Wednesday Walk | Duck, Duck, Goose!

A new playground.

We wanted to check out a new place (not entirely new, but we've never been there) for the kids to have some fun at the playground. We started early because the desert summer is almost upon us and it gets very hot already even at just 10:00 am.

Unfortunately though, the park was still closed and would only open at 10:00am. Bummer. But I cannot rain on my kids' excitement so I drove them to another nearby park.

Al Boom Park

There's not a shortage of parks in Abu Dhabi. I have shared quite a few here on Hive, but mostly those that are obviously within our vicinity or those that's near my husband's workplace.

Al Boom Park is located in Khalidiya area, along Corniche Road. I don't think I've ever been here with the kids so we seized the moment and enjoyed what we can.


There were ducks roaming around the place! There were quite a few, six maybe. We enjoyed watching them waddling while we eat our breakfast.


There were many different birds, too. It was soothing to hear them tweet while we enjoy the still-cool morning breeze.

What was amazing was to see another colorful bird in the area. A parrot, yay! I cannot believe how there are a lot of them here in Abu Dhabi.


A few meters away, we saw more big birds. The kids and I discussed what could they be. Are they ducks or geese?

"They couldn't be ducks. They have long legs," my eldest said.

"They are goose," said the Little Man.

"Maybe you meant geese," Little Miss corrected.

Yay, Science/Nature Studies cum grammar for you here. LOL. We just couldn't let these learning moments pass by us. We decided to go and observe them up close when the kids got tired from the playground.


There's a manmade pond where the ducks and geese stay. It's under maintenance hence the murky water but there used to be a fountain here too.

"Geese have teeth. They bite!" the kids said.

"Look at that, they're diving!"

I had fun as much as the kids did. We did a quick Google image search and confirmed that these big birds are indeed geese, Egyptian Geese, to be exact.


Finally, it was almost 10:00am and the sun was getting a little more intense. We decided to go home but before that made a quick stop at the Umm Al Emarat Park to drop my eldest's pokemon at the gym. Are there still any Pokemon trainers here? Please drop your codes, my son could use some friends to exchange gifts with. LOL.

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