Qatar World Cup and Western Media Hegemony Orientalist lesson!


Most of the people from the West think that football world cup and Olympics are their own games and they have the upper right to host the World Cup and the Olympics in their countries. The place and time of the World Cup should be based on their comfort zone and they don't take into account the money they rake in from the wider Afro-Asian market with sports shows. Though they understand, but closes their eyes, at least this is true for most of the western media and as a result the public sentiment is also captured according to these biased media houses. And the recent world cup in Qatar is the solid proof of such propagandas which have been intentionally speculated by these western media houses. EU foreign policy chief Joseph Borrell recently called Europe a 'garden' and the rest of the world a 'jungle' which is really racist and insulting comment but a little critics is seen after such a comment. This mentality is noticeable everywhere in the West, yes even in Europe the number of liberals is huge. But by and large Europe's intellectual arena and media see their success as the world's success and the West's problems as the world's problems. And this is gonna be the ultimate breaking of the mutual trust among the nations specially the eastern and the western! The money can't buy the self-respect and in the long run the western are going to loose their esteemed respect by doing such things to insult the poor part of the world! Grants to recognize the achievements of the West, East, Asia or Africa. They do not see the Afro-Asian challenge as a global problem, but rather as a mess of Afro-Asians' own making. Civilization, success, the definition of beautiful as the West will decide! Nudity, L-G-B-T, colonization or colonialism, occupation of other countries, change of government, imposition of war on former colonial countries of Afro-Asia on rational or irrational pretexts, sometimes missile attack is beautiful, useful and humanitarian in European view! Such odd views by the western media have been proved multiple times and the eastern world has started learning such hypocrisy which is going to be more stronger in future.

The West creates its own commentary on the victories of the war, and imposes its own commentary on the losers. Although defeated himself, the interpretation of history favors him. Before and after the renaissance and colonial period, he consciously implies in the school syllabus his own incompetence, failure, fraud, the labor slavery of the industrial revolution, the history of colonial exploitation or the root causes of the destruction of the world's climate. West thinks there can be no dominant comment on Pub. This arrogance to create a global narrative is the conscious knowledge of Europe. Some extreme right-wingers in the West also think that Afro-Asiatic 'blacks' have not yet evolved enough! It is undeniable that Christian ethics influenced the thinking and practice of the welfare state in Europe in the post-French Revolution period. As a result, many aspects of morality have been transformed into law to protect the stability and justice of society. However, with the rise of the right-wing in the West, the practice of Christian ethics is also undergoing transformation. There was a general perception that the Church had kept conflicts between religions and religious groups alive, whereas the practice of Westphalian secularism had stopped these European conflicts. But the materialistic society and citizens of Europe did not have time to think about it when the states founded on this good sense continued to directly and indirectly conflict and plunder within the other states! Even in the post-colonial period we see the practice of welfare state formation continued in Europe. But I think that there was a limitation of sincerity in trying to take the scope of this thought and practice beyond the borders of European countries! The sad thing is that Orientalism or Orientalism has gone outside the continent.

The West creates its own commentary on the victories of the war, and imposes its own commentary on the losers. Although defeated himself, the interpretation of history favors him. Before and after the renaissance and colonial period, he consciously implies in the school syllabus his own incompetence, failure, fraud, the labor slavery of the industrial revolution, the history of colonial exploitation or the root causes of the destruction of the world's climate. West thinks there can be no dominant comment on Pub.

Orientalism or Orientalism is defined by Edward Said as the attitude by which the West views the societies and peoples of the East. According to Saeed, Orientalism is firmly established in imperialist societies, it forms the moral foundation of imperialism. Orientalism is sustained politically in the power structure. Orientalism projected Eastern peoples, times, and places into the perspective of Western military and economic ambitions and campaigns. Post-colonial Asian scholars like Edward Said, Gayatri Spivak have helped European rulers and thinkers understand the 'world view' of Afro-Asia. In fact, what is good and what is bad in the East is determined by the imaginative decisions of European-Americans. Said paints a picture of Western inferiority, where the West thinks Afro-Asians are inferior, dirty, uncivilized, incapable of self-governance, procreative. On the contrary, the West is worthy of being the ruler and leader. It was useful for them to build a 'supply chain' of colonial ruler 'mindset' of European citizens generation after generation to protect the colony. The mindset of imposing 'Orientalism' philosophy on the common European citizenry was a structural exercise to perpetuate immoral rule. The proof that these racist thoughts and ideas have not yet been erased from the West is the new wave of the right wing in Europe. These are now eating up Europe.

By exploiting, stealing and pillaging the rest of the world for hundreds of years, Europe has built manicured gardens, enslaved humanity, destroyed millions of lives and civilization after civilization. Yes, Europe's manicured garden is built on blood, murder, inhumanity and destruction of other countries, it can also be said fragmentarily. Today's European children are growing up with several lies that school history books do not bear witness to. However, the royal palaces, the so-called glorious structures of every major city in Europe, are proof of that. Again, Orientalism is not the generalized view of Western liberal citizens, many Europeans know the real beauty as beautiful. Europe has many important human philosophies, highly developed good educational research models, advanced infrastructures for scientific practice. Europe has many aesthetic definitions of beauty. Many Europeans recognized the civilizations of Afro-Asia, even owning the past good of these civilizations as the shared wealth of the world. Yet the Orientalist practices of colonial exploitation structures remain in Western media hegemony today. We can cite three examples here. In contrast to the Iraq War, the European policies or sincerity of non-conflict adoption in the post-Ukraine war. The British Prime Ministership of Indian-origin Rishi Sunak and the most recent World Cup coverage in Qatar exposed the ugly face of Western media hegemony. Western students also need a re-reading of Europe's racist history.

In modern times, the West, which killed millions of people in the invasion of Iraq under false pretexts, is now crying because of the war in the country of white-skinned and blue-eyed people. After walking such a long way to a better life, now he has to understand the hardships of war and the meaning of occupying the country! As if killing Afro-Asians did not hurt them, their murderous blood is not red! We are not here to justify Russia's immoral invasion of Ukraine, but rather to show that the importance of people in the East and the West is different. The West thinks that football and Olympics are its games. He also has the right to host the World Cup. The place and time of the World Cup should be based on his comfort zone. But he doesn't take into account the money he rakes in from the wider Afro-Asian market with sports shows. He understands, but closes his eyes. Qatar overspent at the World Cup, killed workers, is not a major soccer-playing nation—these are true, but partly true in some cases. The International Labor Organization (ILO) has long worked on labor safety in Qatar. There appear to be football and non-football, worker deaths at altitude around 50-60 per year. But in the European media, the number of worker deaths in ten years was first 5 to 6 and a half, but just before the start of the World Cup it was showing 15 thousand.

By exploiting, stealing and pillaging the rest of the world for hundreds of years, Europe has built manicured gardens, enslaved humanity, destroyed millions of lives and civilization after civilization. Yes, Europe's manicured garden is built on blood, murder, inhumanity and destruction of other countries, it can also be said fragmentarily. Today's European children are growing up with several lies that school history books do not bear witness to. However, the royal palaces, the so-called glorious structures of every major city in Europe, are proof of that.

There has been a widespread movement to boycott the World Cup in Europe. Qatar and the ILO say it has stopped the Kafala system. Gave workers freedom to change jobs and leave the country, did several things to improve job security for workers, provided minimum wages, housing and transportation. But Western media say nothing has changed. This kafala system of modern day labor is also a colonial legacy, which is absent in the western media. Any form of labor slavery and structural labor exploitation is condemned. But by exaggerating the numbers, the hate propaganda exposes the media hegemony and inferiority of the West. Some of Qatar's infrastructures have been built by Western companies, and the responsibility of workers' safety is also that of certified Western companies with international standards. They are squeezing the airport, metro, highways, hospitals, cultural centers, etc. at the cost of 220 billion dollars and have branded Qatar. Yes, the Qatari regulation must be punctuated. The immense development of the construction industry in the Middle East by abusing the cheap labor of poor countries like Bangladesh is certainly true. But this is not the main problem of European media hegemony, the main problem is the spectacular development of the infrastructure of a non-European country, the ability of huge global shows to go out of the West. Non-Eurocentric new standards of problem branding. The main problem is to bring the new definition of development and construction outside the West.

Any form of labor slavery and structural labor exploitation is condemned. But by exaggerating the numbers, the hate propaganda exposes the media hegemony and inferiority of the West. Some of Qatar's infrastructures have been built by Western companies, and the responsibility of workers' safety is also that of certified Western companies with international standards.

The main problem is actually Orientalism. We can also bring up the development philosophy of modernization theory. According to the modernization theory of a country, cultural barriers should be removed along with economic and technological progress. 'Outdated culture, 'outdated religious beliefs' must be abandoned. But the inner talk is that a culture similar to that of the West is necessary for development. The phenomenon of 'modernization' is considered by many to be a Western culturally biased concept, which can be called Eurocentric or ethnocentric in anthropological terms. For a country to develop, it has to abandon its ancient cultural practices and follow the western countries; According to Asian scholars this is a misconception blamed on Orientalism. The development examples of countries known as Asian Tigers (Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Korea, etc.) are significant as a practical proof of this. These countries achieved significant economic progress in the late 20th century without abandoning their ancient cultural practices. As can be seen, they have achieved sustainable development without abandoning their culture and Confucian ideals. Examples of Malaysia and Singapore can also be given. The two countries have walked the path towards development while keeping the traditions of East Asia intact.

The big problem is that a Muslim country from a former colony of Europe has come forward without colonial money, without occupying other countries, without trade and economic plunder or without omnipotent military power. It has learned to make good use of its natural resources. The biggest fear is that if this learning spreads rapidly in Asia and Africa! Today Qatar-Dubai, tomorrow Thailand-India, the day after tomorrow Egypt-Morocco or sometime in the future Ghana-Nigeria-Cameroon make their own branding, what will happen to the European garden! What will be the future of the European economy!

Qatar has rejoined the West's countercurrent. It appears that the country has consistently highlighted its Arab and Islamic culture in the hosting of the World Cup, infrastructure design and its opening ceremonies. Qatar has shown the achievement of the implementation of the impossible design of the world-renowned architect Zaha Hadid. The Western media doesn't seem too happy about it. Europe wants to limit the success of thousands of youngsters from Middle Eastern countries playing in European professional leagues, Qatar Dubai's success in European club management to its backyard. The arrival of those players or Salah Mane in their own country is a threat to its market economy. The bigger problem is that a Muslim country from a former colony of Europe has emerged without colonial money, without occupying other countries, without trade and economic plunder, or without omnipotent military power. It has learned to make good use of its natural resources. The biggest problem is, if this learning spreads rapidly in Asia and Africa! Today Qatar-Dubai, tomorrow Thailand-India, the day after tomorrow Egypt-Morocco or sometime in the future Ghana-Nigeria-Cameroon make their own branding, what will happen to the European garden! What will be the future of the European economy!

Thanks a lot for your time and attention, if you have any queries, let me know in the comments. I will catch you at the next one.
Have a nice day!

The post is translated with my personal modification and adding my own thoughts in some points. The main idea is from a opinion written by Faiz Ahmad Tayyab, in a bengali newspaper which can be read from this link.

MD AL MAHADI HASAN Welcome to Mahadi's small corner in Hive Community from Bangladesh. He is a Ph.D. student who is working at a research Institute in China. He has visited many destinations near Beijing, climbs up the great wall and mountains, tries new and exotic dishes here, tried skiing and many other events, and explored his country and want to explore the rest of the world in the future. As a crypto enthusiast, he has the hobby to learn about Blockchains, Cryptos, and their fascinating applications in the real world. He loves learning new things and tries to enjoy his life to the full. If you like his content, don't forget to upvote and leave a comment to show some love for him as a learner in the blogging sphere. You can also reblog his post if you want to. Also, don't forget to follow him to be updated with his latest posts about his life and thoughts on a regular basis including daily life and some Blockchain games such as Splinterlands.

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