Saturday In Alive

Hello friends! Saturday flew by, as Saturdays always seem to do.
I woke up right after Jeff left to help the stage crew at church create props for the upcoming Christmas play. I got up and drank a cup of Dunkin coffee while reading my Bible and devotional.

I checked in on my prayer group chats, phoned a friend to confirm an appointment and after procrastination got ready to drive to the tire garage to have my car's tires looked at. There is a code showing on my dash indicating there is a low tire. This has happened a few times. The last time it happened my son took the car. The issue was the tire stem. The man at Flynn's said there was a two-hour wait. I settled with them filling my tires with air. Blaine came out to help and didn't know the issue. He took the initiative to check the code and tires and then advised me to let the guys inside know the stem needed to be fixed.
I went back inside to relay the information and set up to return the car. We will drop it off, perhaps tomorrow, to have the tire repaired.

Saturday is a day to interact with the community Alive and share. Here are some interesting posts I have read today. 📚

@mypathoffire shares the season's first snow and lovely photos from his area.

@cursedphantom shares cleaning his space at his Grandmother's house.

@ironshield shares a pleasant day with his family and makes me hungry with some fried eggplant.

AI Art created in Night Café for a Facebook group challenge to create something with LEGO blocks. .

#IAmAliveChallenge join us on Discord, and check out our Hive Community.
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