I help Ethiopians and buy ALIVE

Today I bought red beans from Ethiopia. I paid $1.40 for a pack of 800 grams. I cooked 400 grams of this bean today. For $0.70 I cooked a delicious meal for 2 days. For $0.70 I got 85 grams of vegetable protein, vitamins and minerals. Simple food is tasty and healthy.



By buying these beans, I help the people of Ethiopia who are engaged in agriculture. Ethiopia is a very populated and poor country. There are 124 million inhabitants and 85% of the adult population works in agriculture. Many earn there only a few tens of dollars a month.

I also bought 15000 ALIVE and now I have 39800 ALIVE POWER. If at least one resident from Ethiopia reads me and writes a comment, my upvote for this comment will be 5.2 ALIVE. Maybe in a few years, this amount will equal the average daily wage in this country.


Miracles often happen in cryptocurrencies.

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