I Am #AliveAndThriving Today! || #IAmAliveChallenge || Daily Off-Grid Jungle Journal Entry: Day #682 - Hive Is Financial Freedom for Ourselves, and a Means to Help Others - GaiaYoga Gardens, Lower Puna, Far East Big Island, Hawai'i - Sunday, June 9, 2024





I live naked and barefooted, very close to Earth and Nature, in an 18-acre, off-grid, clothing-optional, food-forest intentional community (GaiaYoga Gardens), way out in the jungles of Lower Puna, far East Big Island, Hawai'i, and I have for more than 5 years now. Although there are many challenges, I love my life, and I'm immensely grateful to live where and how I do, on my own terms! I would not want to live any other way! 😁🙏💚⚡💥🔥✴️✳️❇️👣🌱✨🤙


Warm greetings all! 😁🙏💚✨🤙

Do you realize just how important and powerful a self-custodial wallet, that is a part of a decentralized blockchain ecosystem with innumerable ways to generate, leverage, and grow assets, truly is? I would suggest that if more people actually understood this, then Hive would quickly move front and center, and to the top of the list of priorities, because it represents authentic and real financial freedom. This is not hyperbole. We have a framework here on Hive where we own our keys and therefore our assets (which is exactly opposite from central-bank-controlled fiat currencies), with the potentials and opportunities to grow those assets being unprecedented and unparalleled in the financial world.






Hive takes the power of money out of the control of banks, corporations, and governments, and puts it back in the hands of We The People, which is exactly where it belongs, where we can invest and utilize it exactly how we want, and because we own our keys in this decentralized ecosystem, our money cannot be seized, taken from us, or frozen. When enough people actually get this, the present slavery-based, fiat-money system is done. To say that this is life and world changing is a huge understatement.






Fiat money is, and has been used as, a very effective method (one of many) of control and enslavement of the populations of the world by the global 'elite' (which are really just parasites). With the fiat currencies of the world being intentionally debased and devalued, to push people into accepting the new enslavement method, CBDCs (Cental Bank Digital Currencies), which would lead to absolute and complete control, Hive, and a handful of other sovereignty-driven blockchains, stand in direct opposition to that, and offer a way to circumvent these insidious and nefarious agendas being pushed on the peoples of the world.






With the assets that we generate, build, and grow here on Hive, we have the very real potential and opportunity for financial freedom outside of the satanic slave matrix, both for ourselves, and those with whom we are connected, both on and off the Blockchain. That is the primary motivating force that keeps me relentlessly tenacious in my commitment, dedication, consistency, and determination here on Hive every single day, and for the long haul. I do it for myself, and for the future of everyone for whom I care, and that I love. I know what's coming, and I know what's possible, which is why I'm unwaveringly all in on Hive. Hive is part of a far more free and just world, where sovereignty reins supreme.






Yesterday, Sunday, I left the Flow House just a little after 2PM, after finishing up my Hive tasks. I strained out and blended kefir (kefir-honey-cinnamon-cacao) first, took a round of photos for these posts, and walked around the property, and down our jungle road a bit, enjoying the mostly sunny Sunday weather. In the early evening, just before getting to my Hive tasks, Iolanthe texted me to ask me if I could make her some food down at Tutu's, which I did end up doing. After making food for Io, I collected my leftover jar of superfood fire coffee from the Landing fridge, and I made my way back to the Flow House, to finally get into my evening round of Hive tasks, and catching up on my notifications. I got done on Hive quite late, just after 11:30PM, so too late to write my 106th Sunday Weekly Hive Goals and Progress Update. After a bit of engagement on Waves, and a quick scan of my Bastyon and X feeds, I warn to bed just after 12AM. I woke up around 6:30AM, feeling like I needed more sleep, doing a round of token management, writing and publishing My 106th Sunday Weekly Hive Goals and Progress Update: 2/3 Weekly Goals Exceeded, Diesel/Liquidity Pool Changes, and an Analysis of Income-Token Income post, starting on this post, and then getting out of bed to go make my superfood fire coffee, before the Leadership Council meeting at 10:30AM.






I stayed in the Leadership Council meeting until just before 12PM, at which point I peeled away to return to the Flow House to write this post. It's now just after 1:30PM, so an excellent time to end this post, so that I can get to a few important Hive tasks, before leaving the Flow House later in the afternoon, to first make Iolanthe some food (she texted me again as I was writing this post), then to strain out and blend kefir, perhaps take more photos for these posts, and then land work. I deeply appreciate y'all so very much! Until tomorrow! Always forward, onward, and upward, joyfully together! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙







2024 Life Goals

1.) Heal my broken heart, reignite my heart sun, and embody a solid, healthy masculine, allowing my electric fire to shine bright, no matter what others, especially women, say or do. 

2.) Bring myself and my life back into balance, integration, and wholeness. 

3.) Do regular (naked) integral practices again, alone or with others. 

4.) Dance regularly again.

5.) Work with natural entheogens (mushrooms, ganja, ayahuasca), with punctuated regularity, as a part of my healing process again. 

 6.) Get, and keep, regular deep, integral energy-body-tantric work healing sessions for women flowing again.

7.) Prepare regular batches of my medicinal teas collected from the land again. 

8.) Make my plant nursery beautiful again.

9.) Live as an integral part of a juicy heart-resonant soul tribe community, with deep, coherent mutual and shared passion, purpose, mission, love, warmth care, sweetness, reverence, respect, aliveness, admiration, excitement, enjoyment, playfulness, work, fun, laughter, attraction, and all-level connections and relationships. 

10.) Make love with the woman, or the women, that I love, every day, as a sacred devotional practice. 

11.) Begin learning relevant coding/programming languages to more fully contribute to the sovereignty-driven technologies where I am active, like Arch Linux, Hive, Qortal, DeSo, and Bastyon. 


All photos were taken with my Motorola G Play 2024 Android Phone.


Thank you all so much who have helped me get to where I am today, and allowing me to share more of the beauty and magic from my life and my world with you, and for your continuous appreciation and support! I am truly deeply grateful! 😁🙏💚✨🤙


If you'd like to find me on other alternative platforms where I have accounts (I spend most of my time here on Hive), click on this signature image below to go to my LinkTree page.


If you'd like to send me a BTC Lighting Tip (made possible by the fantastic work of brianoflondon on @v4vapp), just scan the QR image below. 👇


Signature image created by @doze, and the dividers made by @thepeakstudio, with all tweaked to their present form by me.


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