I Am #AliveAndThriving Today! || #IAmAliveChallenge || Daily Off-Grid Jungle Journal Entry: Day #480 - Bringing More Tipping Tokens Online, and Reallocating Assets - GaiaYoga Gardens, Lower Puna, Far East Big Island, Hawai'i - Sunday, November 19, 2023





I live barefooted and naked, very close to Earth and Nature, in an 18-acre, off-grid, clothing-optional, food-forest intentional community (GaiaYoga Gardens), way out in the jungles of Lower Puna, far East Big Island, Hawai'i. I love my life, and I'm immensely grateful to live where and how I do, on my own terms! I would not want to live any other way! 😁🙏💚⚡💥🔥✴️✳️❇️👣🌱✨🤙


Warm greetings all! 😁🙏💚✨🤙

Yesterday, as I was compiling and writing my 77th Sunday Weekly Hive Goals and Progress Update, I finally made the decision to get my tipping tokens in order. Because I delegate so many layer-2 tokens to an army of curation accounts, my tipping ability has been pretty limited for a while now. It was actually getting to a reasonably functional level when something (I still don't know exactly what) happened around October 19th/20th that broke a whole bunch of bots, both dividend-paying bots and tipping bots. After that time, my limited tipping ability was further handicapped. Of the tipping bots which still worked, many of them were very hit or miss for a while. The situation did improve for several over time, though some still remain broken.






Because of that situation, I decided that it was finally necessary to get more of my tipping tokens to a level where I could actually start using them for that purpose. To make that happen, I've paused further delegations of three tokens, ALIVE, PGM, and PIMP, to the curation accounts to which I've been delegating pretty much since I came to the Blockchain. My plan is to allow my staked and undelegated holdings of these tokens to grow to a level where I can begin using their tipping commands successfully. Once I get them to a reasonable level, so I can tip with them each several times per day, then I'll begin delegating a portion of them once again.






I've also begun to reassess certain assets which I've been holding which are either no longer providing the benefit to holding them that they once did, or are strongly underperforming when compared to other assets. In this process I've begun selling certain tokens, like SBI, LBI, and I'm considering selling even INDEX, considering that the last payout that I received from that once-amazing token was almost two months ago. There are simply other income tokens which are more reliable and have greater overall benefits. From selling such tokens, I'm reallocating the assets to high-performing diesel/liquidity pools, and to buying high-performing income tokens. I think that this will help speed up my growth a bit more.






Just like what I did recently with my HP delegation percentage (raising it to 50% delegated), my ultimate goal with all the tokens that I can stake and delegate is to bring my delegation precentage for then to the same balance that I now have with my Hive Power, so to have all of them at 50% delegated. To me this is the perfect balance between my own benefits and interests, and the benefits and interests of the greater Hive community.






My desire and intention with all of this is to make what I do here on Hive as effective and efficient, and to provide the greatest overall benefit to the whole Blockchain, myself included, as I'm able. In my 2+ years here I've learned a great deal, and I've developed a good sense for how to continually refine and improve how I do things here, which is good for everyone, myself included. Maximum benefit for both myself, and for the whole Hive community, is my orienting compass.




My Sunday, which is always very Hive-focused, had me a lot busier running all over the property doing various tasks. Because of this I started on my My 77th Sunday Weekly Hive Goals and Progress Update: 2/3 Weekly Goals Surpassed, and Just Two Steps Left to Dolphin Level! much later than I had wanted, and didn't get it published until just about 2AM. The other activities which drew my attention were swapping out a broken washing machine for a working one, doing two loads of laundry (yes, even people that live naked have laundry to do...🤣), getting a wheelbarrow full of Cecropia leaves for the next morning's milking cow food, straining out kefir for my kefir-honey-cinnamon-cacao blend, making myself food, making Iolanthe food (she asked me), getting food for my kitten friend, and taking photos for this post. So yeah, I had quite a bit more to do than on most Sundays!




Since I went to sleep so late, I really didn't get sufficient sleep. I woke up around 7AM, and immediately focused on completing @benthomaswwd's @heartbeatonhive contest, then a little token management, before finally getting out of bed to go make my superfood fire coffee.




Today being Monday, I attended the Leadership Council meeting from 10:30AM to just after 11:30AM, and then I headed straight back to the Flow House to begin writing this post. I have the Logistics meeting tonight at 6:30PM, so I have to fit a fair amount of activities in my day.




Given that it's now getting close to 1:45PM, it's a very good time to end this post, so that I can get to my essential afternoon Hive tasks, maybe a little catch-up, go to do more land work in the later afternoon, strain out and bend kefir, and make food for myself before the Logistics meeting. Full day! I deeply appreciate you all very much! Until tomorrow! Onward and upward, joyfully together! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙




All photos were taken with my Motorola G Power Android Phone.


Thank you all so much who have helped me get to where I am today, and allowing me to share more of the beauty and magic from my life and my world with you, and for your continuous appreciation and support! I am truly deeply grateful! 😁🙏💚✨🤙


If you'd like to find me on other alternative platforms where I have accounts (I spend most of my time here on Hive), click on this signature image below to go to my LinkTree page.


If you'd like to send me a BTC Lighting Tip (made possible by the fantastic work of brianoflondon on @v4vapp), just scan the QR image below. 👇


Signature image created by @doze, and the dividers made by @thepeakstudio, with all tweaked to their present form by me.


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