I Am #AliveAndThriving Today! | #IAmAliveChallenge Hive Daily Journal Entry: Day #125 - New Levels On Hive and in My Life at GaiaYoga - GaiaYoga Gardens, Lower Puna, Far East Big Island, Hawai'i - Tuesday, November 29, 2022





The beginning of these posts was my My Life Just Hit a Brick Wall at High Velocity, on the Cusp of My 50th Birthday: Mid Life Crisis 101 post. I link that post because I want to give my readers some useful context for what I write in these posts.


Warm greetings all! 🙏 💚

It's feeling to me as if I crossed a threshold into a new level here on Hive, and in my life at GaiaYoga Gardens. It's like a quickening, with the feeling of excitement and exhilaration in my body, along with a bit of overwhelm too, as I'm getting used to this new 'place'. It feels like I'm in the process of stabilizing a new level of engagement on Hive. Combining that with the juicy kind of posts that I was writing before my breakup, and even more amazing posts to come, I think will launch me into a very rapid upward trajectory. Adding in ListNerds and Noise.app to promote my Hive posts will also add another layer of benefits.


Speaking of Noise.app, if you're already there and would like to find me, you may do so here. If you're not there yet and would like to be (it's invitation only), you can create an account here. That invitation link will only be valid for twenty-five people over seven days, then if will stop working. Using Noise.app with Hive is potentially very beneficial, as there are two ways for the BCH (Bitcoin Cash) that you make there to be sent directly to your Hive wallet as either HIVE if you do it via BlockTrades, or as SWAP.BCH if you use the deposit address for SWAP.BCH in your Hive-Engine wallet.




One really notable thing that I forgot to mention in yesterday's post is that Ano asked me if I'd like to teach a class in the next Immersion (a periodic two-week course for new people fleshing out the philosophical framework in which GaiaYoga operates), which may be starting this Saturday if there are enough people signed up (Ano wants 6 people minimum). I feel excited and daunted. I could teach a lot, so I have to narrow it down to a class with a clear focus that will fit into the two-to-three-hour time slot. I definitely have strong ideas of what I want to teach, but I need much more structure and content to fill the time well. I know that diving into Exiting the Fake Slave Matrix and moving into our Whole Natural Sovereign Divine Humanity is a very significant portion of it. I need to give Ano a name for my class and an outline by Thursday. Gulp. I'm a tad nervous about this.


I had my Index4Index Daily Inspired Motivation: Push Yourself to the Limit, Over and Over Again! post done and punlished before the short morning community meeting. When that was finished, and I returned to the Flow House, I uploaded and published Ano's first music video for his band Nagdeo via @threespeak, I Party Naked. You should go watch it, as it's cute and funny, and just plain fun! This was the first time that I've successfully uploaded and published a video on Hive, which I thought was pretty nifty indeed.




I spent a few hours brining the last large bin of soil and the last planting pots down to my nursery from my old nursery at the Landing, along with spot clearing with my machete. I also helped @aukuna weed and clean the abandoned garden next to Tutu, which was drastically needed.


Pretty much everything is in my new nursery now, so all that's left to do is organize! Aside from continuing to up-pot, I need to begin to make a list of plants that I have available for sale. That's an important step to beginning to advertise and promote what I'm doing with plants, so that I can bring customers to me, as opposed to me taking my plants to markets, which is a lot of extra work. Another plant-focused task I want to do very soon is to begin replanting various important plants that I use in my medicinal teas blends.


I'm really quite in love with my life, and it keeps getting more interesting, engaging, fun, beautiful, meaningful, satisfying, and fulfilling! That goes for my life here at GaiaYoga, and my life here on Hive. Just wow!


On that sweet note I think I'll finish this post now and go wind down before bed, probably sipping a quart of my yummy homemade kefir blended with cinnamon, cacao, and honey. I wish you all overflowing, overwhelming joy dear friends! G'Night! 😁🙏💚⚡💥🔥✴️✳️❇️👣🌱✨🤙




All photos were taken with my Motorola G Power Android Phone.


Thank you all so much who have helped me get to where I am today, and allowing me to share more of the beauty and magic from my life and my world with you, and for your continuous appreciation and support! I am truly deeply grateful! 😁🙏💚


If you'd like to find me on other alternative platforms where I have accounts (I spend most of my time here on Hive), click on this signature image below to go to my LinkTree page.


If you'd like to send me a BTC Lighting Tip (made possible by the fantastic work of brianoflondon on @v4vapp), just scan the QR image below. 👇


Signature image created by @doze, and the dividers made by @thepeakstudio, with all tweaked to their present form by me.


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