My first Larry Is Alive entry

This is my first entry in the Larry is Alive Challenge. I have been putting this off for a long time, but since I already have accounts with most of the programs in this challenge, I figured I might as well bite the bullet and put together an entry. I figured I'd build up to a full entry in step, so today's focus is making sure I hit all of the sites. So, without further ado, here are my entries in this challenge:


First up is ListNerds:

The Challenge for this site is the read 10 emails for today. As you can see from this screenshot, I accomplished this mission:



Next we have LeadsLeap:

For this site, the Challenge is to view 10 sites. This screenshot shows this mission, even though the server date says it is tomorrow, was actually completed today:



Next, we leap (pun intended) over to TrafficAdBar:

Here, our Challenge is to view 25 sites. Here is my screenshot showing I finished this task, as well:



Our next stop is FreeAdvertisingForYou:

In this Challenge, we are to view any 10 ads from any of the categories. However, if you view 30 Solo ads, you are entered in a drawing to win a free Solo ad, so I bump up my views for a chance at a free Solo ad (as you can see by this screenshot).



Our final destination in this challenge is Traffic Infinity Boost:

In this Challenge, once again we are to view at least 10 sites. As you can see by the screenshot, I attained that goal, as well:


The next thing I am supposed to show on this challenge is the LCP I am pointing my traffic to, so....ta-da here it is (still captured today):


And the final thing I will include in this entry is my traffic for the day (I hope this is what I am supposed to include):


I know this post is kind of brief, but as you can see from that last screen shot, I was running out of time to still call today.

I will try to expound upon several of these points next time.

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