Heart & Soul. Giveaway of Gratitude #12. 5 HSBI +1 CLOSED!

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Last week, I wrote about smiling. We did have a little fun in the comments, leaving each other favorite faces of different sizes and cuteness. lol And today I want to talk about heart and soul.

We so often mention the heart or soul when we are trying to give words colors of sincerity, kindness, love or respect. To me, these 2 words have really great meaning and significance. I never use them automatically. There is always a good reason if I write one of them. There is always a feeling embedded in them that goes through my body and flies energy to the recipient.

There's no denying that not all words carry energy or have more meaning than their definition. But the soul definitely carries more energy than our heart can hold. And the heart always feels more than the brain can tell us. Perhaps these are aphorisms. Or metaphors. I'm sure everyone will remember their favorite phrases from those two words. But it definitely always means more than just sounding...

Share your favorite heart and soul phrases in the comments. I'd really appreciate it!

Magical things can start with simple words. When I got to this point, I was pelted with energy from head to toe. The wave was as high as a mountain. I had to pause, stand up, and do a couple of dances. 😅 Yes, magic can start with four or five letters...

I will, as always, end my thoughts at the end of this post. Now to business!

Today is the 12th round of my giveaway gratitude, and I'm glad so many people supported the idea and participated in my act of gratitude and gratuitous giving. I will be giving away 5 HSBI + 1 this week and beyond. Another 1 HSBI I will be giving away as a token of my appreciation for various things. It can be a sincere comment or just a contribution to Hive life. Perhaps it will be advice to me or to the community. Or it might even be the bitter truth spoken to my (and only me!) face! In fact, I don't really know what or who will inspire me yet, myself. But from this day forward, I will be giving my thanks to one more participant on my own behalf! I think it will be interesting! So let's get started!


As I wrote in the first post Giveaway of Gratitude. 5 HSBI. CLOSED!, I give every day and want to take it to Hive! The purpose of this next giveaway is to give back to Hive and its members my share of appreciation and love! This is a gratuitous giveaway. That is, if the payout for this post is 5.01 Hive, I will give away 6 HSBI! The only thing I get is your love and part of the Hive SBI (that's how HSBI works).

What is HSBI

HSBI is a social experiment that has grown into something bigger. I have read many posts and other information about it. In my opinion, it is worthy of both Hive and this world in general! If you don't already know what HSBI (Hive SBI) is, read this post: Hive SBI

Why am I leaning specifically toward HSBI? Because this value that I give away also stays at Hive. It also shows my love for this blockchain and everyone involved!


  1. Leave a comment below the post.
  2. Wait 7 days from the time the post is published.
  3. Bots and multi-accounts are not participating and will be tracked manually by me. That's what the 7 days are for.
  4. The five winners will each receive 1 HSBI.
  5. One participant I choose will receive 1 HSBI personally from me! I will publish the reasons in my next post.

It's simple, isn't it? If it is, then go for it! I'd love to see your love for the entire Hive community!

I will acknowledge all the past giveaway participants. If you're not interested in further mention, just let me know in the comments under the post and forgive me if it bothered you!

@ablaa @albator85 @albephotos @alex2alex @amaillo @anonymous02 @aphiel @arc7icwolf @arieruzzzz @assassyn @beststart @bitandi @blitzzzz @bombus @borniet @bradleyarrow @brando28 @ceekz @circlebubble @coquicoin @crazyphantombr @crazywrites6 @eddwood @edskymiguel @ekavieka @emeka4 @femcy-willcy @fernandoylet @ferod23 @flaxz.alive @fragozar01 @frankches @funshee @hafiz34 @henrietta27 @henruc @hollowins @hoosie @ifarmgirl-leo @imfarhad @jmis101 @katerinaramm @lheeshan06 @libertycrypto27 @linlove @lisamgentile1961 @littlebee4 @luizeba @mamaemigrante @marilour @marytabonita @mayt @mrenglish @mrhive001 @myothuzar @mypathtofire @naythan @nickydee @no-advice @nomaddreamer @nozzy @officialrosh1 @osomar357 @pero82 @phoenixwren @portal-xenna @prechidi @rcaine @rimurutempest @serhotest @sgbonus @shanibeer @sheikh27 @smariam @sukmhaske @synrg @tengolotodo @tokutaro22 @tommyl33 @treefrognada @tunikatu @tydynrain @vaynard86 @wittyzell @wrestlingdesires @yeckingo1 @zakludick @zestimony @jpatrick28 @yahuzah @dervendekate @ramadhanight @yorra @bitcoinflood @mituoshizhe @almajandra @edgerik @ianballantine @freedomekere123 @heartbeatonhive @sommylove @sammyhive @p1k4ppa10 @akiraymd @tawadak24 @crrdlx @dayadam @kryptofire @ijelady @noctury @oasiskp2 @pauliinasoilu @geelocks @stekene @caelum1infernum @holdeck @benthomaswwd @cantfoldaces @adcreatordesign @steemstreems

Past giveaway winners:
@sommylove, @littlebee4, @naythan, @henruc, @lisamgentile1961

+1 @benthomaswwd

Congratulations, guys!

As the sixth winner today, I chose a member of my favorite community, We Are Alive Tribe. But not because of that, but because of what he does at Hive and how he knows how to give back! This is the creator of @heartbeatonhive, who supports new and old Hivians through curation, commenting, win-win games, and just love from the heart. And by the way, it was his work that made me take a closer look at ALIVE and its members.

Brother @benthomaswwd I love what you do! Thank you so much! Your work really makes a difference. We'll all see it sooner or later, I'm sure! Just receive my gratitude today. It's from the bottom of my heart!

I'm happy to give my gratitude freely every week. And you will never see demands or requests for reciprocity in this giveaway. Everything I do here is from my heart. May this energy take over the world, or at least part of my circle! I just invite you into my world!

All the appreciation awards were sent out about 2 hours ago and should have flown to you by now with my love! Check your wallets. I already got my share of HSBI for last week, and for this week. 😜💪 Here are my current HSBI figures ⬇️


The heart often tells us the right paths, and the soul keeps us from straying from those paths into the dark woods. I listen to them both. Many times this magic has pulled me out of difficult situations. But it's up to you to decide what level of wizard you are in this world. And which side you're on.

Remember this! Peace!

That's all for now! Hive ON! We Are Alive!

I am also a member of the following communities!⬇️

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