A most alive day. Thousands of gratitude.

The numbers on the calendar most often mean nothing. They change just like the numbers on a clock, and we don't pay much attention to every second. Or even every hour. Very rarely. Until time stops, or on the contrary, flies faster than the speed of sound, when one blinks his eyes one day, and you find yourself in the future. In those milliseconds, you can be 10, 20, 30, or even 40 years ahead, while still feeling the same. Childhood.

The time machine exists, and it can be ruthless.

14610 days ago, a woman became my mother and carries that title to this day. She gave me my first living day, for which the first and main thanks today go to her! I have felt her love on me from day one to this day.

Feelings have no time or place. There is only this.

The second gratitude flies today to all my family members, starting with my father. For my health, thoughts, past, future and all that is or will be in me. DNA. I really have nothing to complain about. That's why I am so grateful!

Thank goodness, I've learned to be grateful for everything in my path.

So thousands, millions of thanks, to absolutely everyone and everything I see, hear and feel. Being alive is a huge gift that we don't appreciate and constantly forget. And birthday gives us back that opportunity to rethink everything again. To give thanks and move on, no matter how much time is behind or ahead.

For there is no time. There's only this word...

I've taken my bows
And my curtain calls
You brought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it
I thank you all!
(Q) The Queen - We Are The Champions

We are the winners. We Are The Champions. Already by birthright and from day one. After all, we were the first of millions who made it to their true first base. We should remember this more often. Better yet, we should never forget it.

As I've written many times before, the month of May is always a special challenge for me. All the twists and turns, falls, fights, and breakups have happened during this period. The annual cold shower, though I've never liked the cold and for the most part I try not to get cocky. Apparently, I have yet to solve this mystery.

To decipher this cipher in a language I do not understand of another planet.

I am grateful for that, too!

Now it's time to really move forward. After all, it's only in this past year that I've really gotten closer to my path and myself for real. Losing day after day and thing after thing at rocket speed, you end up with only what your mother gave you. And with those who really matter.

And as a gift, you get time cleared of the junk you've piled up all your way. Your whole life.

And having lived half your life as someone else, there's an opportunity to get that back. I hope this time I can really do it.

And that's the last thanks for today. For these opportunities that are always here and always there. It's as simple as that. All that's left to do is honestly answer myself a couple of tough questions. And I'm going for it. Every day...

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