Figure Out Here : The Consequences Of Human's Ear

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Tracing human ears position and concepts

When as an individual trying to understand the architectural and engineering nature of God's works on the creations of both heaven and earth. The best direction to look and try out to evaluate should be right within that , of human's body structure and components.

Reality is that once you start to observe and keep observing human's structure and it's components.

Then you would begins to know that all existing invention and meaningful creative works , are the follow up of God's own uniqueness of nature and purpose in creative design.

Though here I intent to focus on consequences of human ear and that an exact what I will get on.

Seen that through such knowledge of observing human , if you never taken a close look at different part of your body . That , in terms of structure and components mainly . While observing others that can be very possible.

Build upon that , you would note an exact position of human ears . Right? And that should be very true that no grown person on Earth that can't point to the ears position within human body.

Do everyone human with ears use their ear well ?

Truth is that most people are just having ears to complement them. And they don't actually know how to make their ears work for them.

In the sense that , they are fond of hearing and jump to involve on every possible conversation. And worse is that even at those very normal conversation , once they are out from there perhaps need be to recalled they might happen not to account on any vital points. Except him or her actually opens that particular conversation.

To finalize here without mere level of criticism of which am not actually on that. Though I observed and keep observing human's lots. Still , instead of criticizing nature of vast number of humans I would brief here about how human can actually use their ears very well.

How human's can honestly use their ear very well

Human honestly have been trying out many ways to use and or put their ears to usefulness , base on the beauty related knowledge.


Seen , though such nature of knowledge and usefulness of ears supposed to be normal indeed for female . But , due to how attractive it might be most times many male most especially those who engage on either sports , music , dancing , movie acting among others are fond of that.

Far beyond that , the most unique way to use our ears and make it to be also useful to us as human. Is mainly about being attentive in listening
Seen being attentive in the nature isn't good enough for only students. But , instead for each and everyone who do note that life is more about learning. Seen that you can't actually learn if you didn't paid enough or close attention onto those vital messages communicating before you as an individual by your fellow human.

Seen , that just hearing and responding to whatever nature of talk you as a person being on . And listening to what somebody has to say onto you or teaches you , are never same in the nature.

So , wrapped attention is vital for an effective listening if you must learnt something. And that won't be very possible at all without your own 👂 ear.


Moreso , it be might be very obvious that there happens to be certain talk you don't actually want to hear . That no problem at all as get seen it likely best to cover your ears , but it depends on the loudest of the talk for you to hear and not to hear while get your own ears covered.

Things that can disturbing your 👂 as well as the consequences whether you use your ears well or not

There are several stuffs capable of damaging your own ear , truth is all of those stuffs directly depends on how you do care and kind of safeguard your own ear against some ears related enemies as high intensifying noise , allowing somebody to use sharp object to penetrate your ear . Among others could be kind of crawling or flying living thing more like insects finding way into your ear.



So perhaps when such incidents do happen to your ear , it should be best practice to visit closest specialist.

Consequences nothing in life with no results either an instant or later nature of result.

So when you are only using your 👂 ear to be hearing gossiping , and backbit it pays whosoever involve with an appropriate result.

And when you are type who do paid an attention and same time used to be attentive listener to particular vital talk or teachings . It also do comes with an appropriate nature of result , no cheat.

So it's quite okay to be attentive listener and do pay close attention while listening to any vital talk and teaching and any other an applicable stuffs.

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