The Struggles of Staying Fit in a Pandemic💪 IAAC #18


I Am Alive! 👊

Trying to become and stay fit and healthy is a struggle for many. But it's all a matter of how much discipline you have. You don't even have to be heavy lifter, although that certainly does improve things. Once you figure out what to eat (and that includes snacks and sugar, trust me) and find the right daily combination of small exercises, it's smooth sailing from there on out. If only right?

I used to be much fitter. Going to the gym and such. But as soon as the adulting officially started, that all got a little bit less intense. I still did my daily home workouts, which weren't always daily and what really helped was playing volleyball for about 2-3 times a week for 2 hours at least. For about half a year now, this hasn't been possible, due to the pandemic and not being able to be in close proximity to others.

This is why I decided that just bodyweight exercises at home weren't enough anymore. So I bought a pair of dumbbells to aid in the workouts. So far so good. All those years in the gym paid off in terms of knowing what kind of exercises to do. But even if you don't know any, youtube has lots of examples and advice. Let's just hope the discipline stays. If you also have similar 'struggles' and feel hopeless or lost, always remember that each journey starts with a single step.

Now for an appropriate daily funny image.



About the challenge

The #IAmAliveChallenge is an initiative by @flaxz
Check out his original announcement here.
And be sure to join the I Am Alive Community.
The goal of the challenge is simple. Show yourself in some way letting the community know you are alive and living your life. This allows us to build unity against whatever life throws at us and in time brings hope for a better tomorrow.

What About You? Are you alive? 👀

Whatever you are, thank you for stopping by. 🙃

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