Ignoring Pesky Side Quests and Focusing on the Main Mission || IAAC #94


I Am Alive! 🌱

My patience is being tested by some people I don't like, but I am still very much alive, and that's all that matters at the end of the day. Recently I decided to shift my focus to the goals that matter. That means that any malicious side quest that gets thrown my way gets ignored by me.

Obviously this is not always as easy, as we humans have this little thing we call pride. Ignoring someone else's demeanor might look you're letting the person win. But you should focus on the goals in front of you, then anything else in the rear view mirror should not bother you.

What about you? What will your 2022 look like?

As as tradition here's an (in)appropriate daily funny image to balance out all the drama.



About the challenge

The #IAmAliveChallenge is an initiative by @flaxz
Check out his original announcement here.
And be sure to join the We Are Alive Tribe.
The goal of the challenge is simple. Show yourself in some way letting the community know you are alive and living your life. This allows us to build unity against whatever life throws at us and in time brings hope for a better tomorrow.

What About You? Are you alive?

Whatever you are, thank you for stopping by.

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#IAmAliveChallenge #HiveIsAlive

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