AAIC | What a Great Sunday

Hi everyone!!
How are you all doing?
Welcome to my Alive Challenge Post. I hope you're having a great Sunday?

Thanks to God almighty for the gift of life which has been accompanied by His grace and mercies.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I hit the snooze button, I buried my head under the pillow wishing I could just sleep a little longer but I had no choice than to drag myself out of bed in order to get ready for the Sunday's activities.

Firstly, I said a prayer to my Creator (God) for the gift of another day and preservation. Moved on to my daily chores which began with some cleaning and making breakfast, I realized I had just 20 minutes to be at the Church.

I hurriedly left the house to the bus stop, joined a bus only to find myself stuck on traffic.
I stepped off the bus and hurried towards the church, hoping that I wouldn't miss opening prayers, but on getting closer I could start hearing voices of the congregation echoing. I took a deep breath and entered inside and I said to myself better late than never.

The service had already started with praise and worship on the list which I had a wonderful time because I danced tirelessly. I quickly became absorbed by the message, the pastor spoke about Fresh beginning, and I felt the words resonate deep within me.

I had been going through some things in life but his word gave me some renewed hope that I could start afresh .
The service ended and I felt happy and ready to take on the week ahead. I gathered my things and headed out of the door.
I walked down the street, still basking in the glow of the service. The sun was shining brightly I decided to take some pictures which I will be sharing on #SMASh.

Thanks for stopping by to read
Have a blessed week ahead..

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