April 29, 2024 My apple tree

In 9 days my apple tree has grown a little. The fifth and sixth leaves have become much larger than they were 9 days ago.

But one of the leaves of my apple tree has a problem. The tip of the leaf began to dry out. I don’t know what it is, maybe some kind of disease. Today I will do a photo search of this leaf and hope to find out what is happening to it.

I will grow a big apple tree in my garden. There will be a lot of juicy and tasty apples on its branches. These apples will be environmentally friendly. Not like those in our store, which shine from being treated with various substances.

In the store, apples in the spring are 2 times more expensive than oranges. The price is almost $2 per kilogram. And my apple tree is already bringing me $ income :)

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