Inter-Departmental Football Match

In my place of work, twice a month each department select individual that are fit to represent and compete for a prize winning football match. The main essence of this is to create bond and at the same time keep every individual fit. The one that was played in January was won by the Account Department. This time around the IT department is ready to win. We are ready to show the rest of the departments that we are not just tech guys but we are also good on the field.

I tell you this for free, as for me I prefer playing football to watching. I try as much as possible to remain fit either there is a competition or not. Every morning before I leave for work I ensure that I do some early morning run. In order to keep fit. I do not take my personal fitness as a joke.

This football match ended with a draw and I am one of the goal scorers. I love the fact that my colleagues did put in efforts in achieving this. i believe in our next match we will win and qualify. I will post the next update

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