Just Another Blog:)

Hello dear Hive friends! I hope you all are having a great week so far. There isn't a ton going on for me, so I thought I would do another little blog, because I am alive! ;)

"Hooman. Is there something on my mouth?"

I have been working on an art project for my apartment, which will eventually get its own DIY post when I'm done. But here is a sneak preview, since it has been taking a lot of my time this week!

Laeg has built his first bubble nest this week! I'm so proud of him. They grow up so fast. :) This means he has reached essentially betta puberty and can make babies now (which he won't, since I don't have any lady bettas for him to make babies with). When bettas breed, they put the eggs in the bubble nest and the man guards it. So when the conditions are right, a guy betta will build bubble nests in case any ladies happen by who want to make babies, so he's ready. :)

I hung up some prisms yesterday in the hopes of having rainbows everywhere, but it was a cloudy day yesterday so I was just hoping I chose good spots. Today I have rainbows all over my bed! Hooray!!

I waved my hand around and figured out they are coming from the one my finger is pointing at in this photo. I hope the other ones cast rainbows at different times of day. :)

I did a little cooking this week, and today I need to cook Yuan some more homemade cat food. Earlier in the week I made sticky rice, chicken fingers, and chocolate syrup (not to be eaten together, lol):

I also made a holder for the dish brush I bought to be a second toilet brush, out of a yogurt tub (this is also what my first toilet brush is held in, hee hee). I bought the dish brush because the regular round toilet brush wasn't getting in the corners of the new low flow toilet since I moved apartments. There weren't any angular looking toilet brushes, so I got a dish brush. The problem is, even though I poured in baking soda and vinegar, the stains are so established now, the brush didn't get them off. I think I may need a stronger cleaner to make up for all that time my brush wasn't reaching properly.

Some more adorable Yuan moments, for your viewing pleasure. 🥰

I buy tomato sauce in cartons rather than cans usually, and the other day I knocked one over out of the cupboard. It impaled itself on the lower cupboard handle. I was like ...well. Okay then. 😂

""How did you make that mess, Phoenix?"
"The sauce carton yeeted itself to its doom."

That's about it, as far as blogging goes, I think! I can't wait to show you my art project, I'm having a lot of fun with it. One more sneak preview!

Have a great week everyone, and thank you for reading! :)

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