I Am Alive And Walking :)

Hey alive humans! I'm back with a tiny blog today.

I walked to the post office, and am happy to report it didn't kill me nearly as bad as the last time I made that walk. I used to do it - and much further walks - all the time, but since my health took a downturn a few years back, I've struggled to do even short walks for a long time. I hope that this is a sign I am on the upswing. A modicum of energy would be nice to have more regularly!

Other than that, I was making scrapbook Yule cards today, which was fun.

Yuan approves of the cat mat I made him:

Which makes me happy. 😊 I want to make things he enjoys!

Other than that, not much going on. But I am ALIVE and NOT DYING from my walk, hooray! Hee hee hee.

Have a great day, everyone, and thank you for reading!

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