I Am Alive and Technology Doesn't Like Me

Hello there friends! Just a little life blog today. I went out to chalk a message and I got one done with the chalk I had (I have more in the closet, I need to refill my bag).

I tried to enter the Litter Lotto too by picking these things out of the gutter, but it froze when I tried to submit my entry. 😭

Yesterday I went grocery shopping and was happy to see that Target had brought back powder laundry soap in cardboard boxes again, but they only had it in stinky perfumed types, and I need free and clear soap. I prefer to avoid the plastic, but allergies take precedent. I haven't even been able to find free and clear powder online for a couple of years!

I've been working on some projects to upcycle and keep my hands busy otherwise, post to come soon when they are done. :)

Hope y'all are well and having a wonderful day!!

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