I Am Alive And Easily Amused

Hello friends! I have been feeling rather blah lately, so I've been resting more and playing casual games on my phone. My newest two that I spent probably way too much time playing today are called Gossip Harbor (a merging story game) and Traffic Escape! ...a traffic jam game. Sometimes I just like these types of games, especially when I don't have much energy for anything too complicated.

But I did have another amusement today: new ice trays.

"Phoenix, you're old" I know, I know, but as I said, I'm easily amused.

I bought them last month at the same time I bought the sweater pill shaver, but I only used them now because I wanted to run them through the dishwasher first. Which was a mistake, because each one of those little beehives had residue dish powder in it, and I had to individually clean them again in the sink. 😅 Mental note: hand wash.

Anyway, one of my old 80s ice trays had cracked, so I had originally gotten a pair of regular plastic ones at Target, but those new ones broke almost immediately! Cracked in several places! What the heck! So I decided to get some silicone ones.

One good thing is the smaller ices are easier on my blender than bigger ones. Sometimes the big ones sound violent in the blender, and I pretty much always have a few large chunks that didn't break down. So far not so with these!

Plus, I like the shape. 😁 But the biggest thing I like? They are WAY easier to get out. No more fighting the ice trays (and cracking them) trying to get the ice to come loose. Hooray!

So that's my simple pleasure for today. Phone games and ice trays. 😄

I hope y'all are having a good day!

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