My First Anniversary on HIVE

My first year on Hive has now come and past. At some time in the afternoon on the 24th December I received the notification from HiveBuzz that I was on the Hive blockchain for 1 year.

This was a great moment for me as I didn't know how things might turn out on Hive or if it was something that I would stick at. The year started out with really positive vibes and riding the tail end of the bull market which suddenly turned bearish with each leg down.

How did I discover Hive?

I discovered Hive through @sebcam who has had his blog on Hive for some time. He is a vegan athlete who is running around the world and has completed his recent leg of running across the US.

My Posts & Communities

Initially started posting about crypto related topics as I was also researching it for myself to learn about it in LeoFinance. Later I was interested in more regular blogging and covering different topics related to the ALIVE and CTP communities.

Later in the year I then got more creative with some creative writing with the Weekend community and Dreemport. I also decided to get busy in the kitchen and made some cooking posts. I also discovered the Ecency Discord and Saturday Savers Club at this time and switched to using Ecency predominently.

It was also at the beginning of the summer that I started my play2earn journey with my first game Rising Star. I was totally clueless regarding this and thanks to everyone who helped me on my way.

It was then also at the end of june that I started to play Splinterlands which was a huge learning curve at the beginning. Now I am playing it daily and progressed even to the diamond league.

Some other communities that I also discovered were the CineTV weekly contest and Three Tune Tuesday. They are some fun posts to write.


I started on Hive initially with 0 powered up and was not initially planning to power up anything, but the more I used Hive and met people in the community, I realised that doing regular power ups made sense and therefore powered up quite often. My first power ups were when Hive was at $1 and I thought it was good value. With Hive now much lower, it is even more good value!

In the year I managed to achieve Orca status after converting my HBD recently to Hive:

Althought the correct color should be red:

These are my stats after just over a year and I believe that at the beginning of January I started to post once per day.

What next for Hive?

I think Hive is a great blockchain and has lots of potential. Understanding crypto and blockchain related topics is not so easy and any way we can help others against the mainstream propaganda has got to be a good thing.

I have looked at other blockchains and they do not have everything that Hive has and hopefully more people will realise the potential of it in the future.


I will not name names in cases I miss out somebody and that would be terrible. But you know who you are if you are reading this post. Meeting so many great people has kept me here at Hive and I am thankful for all the help that was given to me on my journey.


To celebrate my first year on Hive, I made a giveaway on Twitter of which there were 118 participants.

The winner is:


Extra Giveaway

As an extra giveaway, I will give 100 of ALIVE, CTP, CENT OR DEC to one lucky winner. All you need to do is leave a comment with which layer 2 token that you would like to win!

The winner will be announced in 1 week at the end of this post.

My goals for year 2

I haven't set myself any specific goals for next year yet and will do a post about that surely. But some things on my mind are to learn some more graphic creation, video editing and improve my writing. Being on Hive and surrounded by some great content creators is inspriring for me each day to improve.

Thank you for reading!

Let's connect : mypathtofire

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