Day of 2024-09-08

Yesterday morning, I went for another bike ride, this time using my current bike model instead of the old white one I've been using lately. It felt great to be back on my modern bike, familiar with its handling and comfort. The ride was smooth, and I noticed how well-maintained my bike still is, which made me appreciate it even more.

In the afternoon, I decided to check on the progress in the garden. The plants have been growing steadily, and it's exciting to see the fruits of my labor starting to take shape. I noticed that the tomatoes are beginning to ripen, and the lettuce looks ready for harvesting soon. I also took some time to pull out weeds and ensure the plants have enough space to flourish. Spending time in the garden was both relaxing and rewarding, reconnecting me with nature and giving me a sense of accomplishment.

I made a strategic financial move by increasing my $LOLZ stake to 30,000. To do this, I decided to sell off another chunk of my $INDEX holdings, which turned out to be a profitable decision. The market conditions were favorable, and I was able to capitalize on the gains from $INDEX. Reinvesting those profits into $LOLZ feels like the right move, given its potential for growth. It's satisfying to see my investment strategies paying off, and I'm optimistic about what this increased stake will bring in the future.

I've noticed that fuel prices have decreased significantly recently, dropping from 1.87€ to 1.55€ per liter. This reduction is a welcome relief for my budget, especially with the amount of driving I do. However, I'm curious about how long this lower price will last, considering how volatile fuel prices can be. It might be a good time to plan that road trip I've been thinking about, taking advantage of the current rates. I'll be keeping an eye on the prices to see if this trend continues.

Last night, I ended up walking the dog quite late, almost at midnight. The reason was that I had several calls in the evening that extended longer than I anticipated. In retrospect, those calls could have been shortened or perhaps scheduled earlier to avoid such a late outing. Walking the dog that late was peaceful, though, as the streets were quiet and the cool night air was refreshing. However, it did push back my bedtime, so I'll try to manage my schedule better to ensure both my dog and I maintain a healthy routine.

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