Alive and Thriving 09.15.24, "Flowers"!

Hello friends!
Happy "Sunday Evening"
To You!
And, Thank You so much for your visit!
I have some Flower photos today that I wish to share with you this evening!
Funny, flowers bloom in the Spring - this year not so much, but they are sure blooming this Autumn!
The Shrimp Plant is finally in "full bloom" and I think I have a few examples of how it got its name!
This is a few blooms together, looks kinda Shrimpy right?

And a single bloom that definitely looks Shrimpy!
(along with a small one)

And "Angels Trumpets"! Though not the Pink/Purple ones like a few years ago, still beautiful!
Here is from the outside hanging,

This is a photo into the Flower,

And this is with some water drops,

And speaking of which...
The weather turned into this,
(he he he - water droplets!)
So the fun was over!

And that was it for now but, I also want to thank you once again for your visit!
And, Wishing you a Very Blessed, Happy, and Safe New Week!

All images property of @lesmann
No Commercial Reproduction of any kind without written permission.

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