Alive and Thriving 09.14.24, Caturday Saturday!

Hello there Friends, Happy Caturday / Saturday Night - and I wish to thank you for your visit!

This Saturday/Caturday I wanted to share a few photos from the week with the Kitties! Believe me, they are all #aliveandthriving , though I don't have a photo of Sparkles this week. Maybe next week I can post all about her as she "Is" the best of the bunch, as far as being a loving house cat is concerned!
And so..
Here is my favorite from the new Kitties over at the old house. This little one will end up looking like "Koala", and looks just like him at this age,

This is "Koala" watching me with the Kitten. He is "very protective" of them, maybe over protective - he was beating up on "Inky" once because he was looking suspicious!

And here watching me from the steps,

This is Inky, licking his lips! Feeding time! He's not a ferocious as he looks, not by a long shot - though he can be "timid" at times.

And back at my house, here is Splash biting Saph-Fire in the neck he looks like a "mini Inky". And somehow they do seem to like this!?!?

And with that I want to thank you once again for your visit!
And also, Wishing you a very Amazing New Week!
Next week we will see if they get in some new "adventures"!
Stay "Blessed, Happy, and Safe"!
Remember "The Father" in ALL THINGS!
He "Remembers You"!

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