Strangers #alive tribe#

[Source]( -in-dry-grass-in-solitude-5430073/)

How my day went today was a little bit crazy, so let's say I give you the full gist and you promise to read to the end and from my end I promise not to bore you.

I went to my aunt's place to visit her stayed there for awhile and took a ride home (which is Keke) normally does rides won't take you to your house it drop you in the junction to your house and you either continue your journey with your God given naturally Benz(leg) or you take a bike.

So when the Keke dropped me I didn't want to spend anymore money because my house wasn't far from the junction so I continued with my naturally Benz, you could just guess how you would see people in the road that would be staring at you and you would have no other options but to greet.

On my adventure of greeting people I came across someone very tall i couldn't look him straight in the eye without stretching my neck up, so I greeted and passed. He called a name and I didn't bother to turn because it obviously wasn't my name, he repeated the name again and I thought to turn to see who actually he was trying to call.

And when he walked up to me I told him i wasn't the person he was calling, he told me he thought I was one of his neighbor that I looked exactly like her and because i had her body face he couldn't fathom the face very well and mistook me for her.

I said it was fine and I attempted going when he decided to start a conversation, like God am tired and am standing talking to God knows who. I wanted talking to him rude but I was raised better so I tried by all possible means to end the conversation but it seems he has really been looking for someone to gist with and I was the unfortunate one to have stopped.

I told him I was in a hurry so I started going and he followed me and he continued talking and talking and talking, I stopped and asked a question "is that how you behalf to strangers, to talk to them freely and gist like you have known for a decade" and he was like that's how we get to know people.

At that point I knew I had entered trouble it wasn't funny, I knew I had to get him off my back because I wouldn't want to let a pestering human being like that to reach my house, only God knows how many thoughts crossed my mind, if he was a kidnapper? A ritualist? Or someone dangerous.

Guys that was when I started thinking of what to do and I was already approaching my house, it was just like four buildings away. Some clicked to me and I thought it would be a great idea so I decided to do it.

You must all be thinking what I did, well I guess that second ride to my house which I avoided became necessary I just had to take it so I stopped a bike, climbed it and told the crazy person that was looking at me with his big eyes and wide mouth open "thanks for your horrible and unwanted company, it was uncalled for and I couldn't wait for it to end".

After we left and passed him I told the bike to stop and he too was wondering why, I just paid him off and entered my house. I had a long day and the stranger just worsen it for me I pray not to me anybody like him again.

Well that's the records of how my day went, I bet you would have done something different if you were the one in my shoes so drop down your own ideas in the comments box, I would love to see it.
Thanks for reading through and staying with me till the end, one love.

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