Larry Is Alive Contest : Day 41

Hello Amigos.

[Image created by me with LightX]

I am back today to tell you my hunt for Larry the postman.

Completing Larry is alive task went well, thank you....

Though, I did it one after the other.... taking a long break at intervals.

Normally when I am completing Larry is alive task in each location.
I do them without giving long time frame.
But today was different.

I logged in to Ctpx.
I completed the task, the photo below is the screenshot I took from the site to show I completed the task at Ctpx.

When I was done here, I became weak and tired for no known reason.
Well, I took a nap.

I woke up feeling much better, I did few other things before continuing with completing the task.

I logged in to Leadsleap.....
Here I clicked upto 10 ads.
The photo below is a screenshot taken from the site to show I completed Larry is alive task at leadsleap.

I suddenly became hungry, well I didn't have appetite to eat.
It was my first for the day.
I took my time prepare something to eat.
After eating I came back to finish my hunt for Larry.

I logged in to Listnerds, my last stop.
I read upto 10 mails.
Screenshot below is prove of completing Larry is alive task at Listnerds.

That's it for Larry's hunt for the week.
Hopefully I will do this next week without any excuse.

And i will be using this as my entry to today's topic which is all about the hunt for Larry the postman.

Thank you very much for stopping by my blog.
Do enjoy the rest of your day 😊

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