Larry Is Alive Contest : Day 31

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Hello everyone.
Hi hi Larry Hunters.

It isn't an early hunt for Larry, but we went for the hunt anyways.
Because I mean, it's always a fun time with Larry the postman.
So I wouldn't want to miss it this week.
Yes, I do have quality time with Larry once a week.
And It's always done in my favorite location, which is at Listnerds.

Started the cool journey and landed on time.
Larry wasn't too happy with me because I didn't bring his favorite fruit salad.

He is quick in forgiving, he didn't dwell on it for long.
Cool engagement started immediately after he accepted my apology.

We talked about lots of mails, I didn't miss opening up at least 10 mails.
Below is a screenshot of it to prove completing Larry is alive task at Listnerds.

That's it for my hunt for Larry.
You can join the contest and enjoy lots of rewards.

Thank you very much for stopping by my blog.

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