505 consecutive posts in ¨WeAreAliveTribe¨ Giving up is never an option

Hello friends of the hive. Life is full of shocks and stones along the way that we must navigate to advance; Sometimes I think they are things of fate, which makes different types of gadgets just to see if we are capable of overcoming them. Throughout my 53 years I have had to overcome many obstacles, some worse than others, and on more than one occasion I was about to throw in the towel, as we say here; However, at all times I reconsidered at the last second, giving battles to the worst shocks that I have had to face. I don't know what your experience has been about this; But let me remind you, giving up is never an option. Five hundred five consecutive post accompanying this wonderful ¨reto ¨ by:   @flaxz. #WeAreAliveTribe. #hivelsalive.

Source: Family Album

@flaxz:   @edgerik:   @mlrequena78:   @hafiz34:   @iamraincrystal:   @ddn688:  

Situations like in life, it is common for it to happen to us in our company (Hive) As with reality, giving up is never a good option; Undoubtedly, throughout our career here, many things will happen to us that will require rethinking things, and establishing new methods to obtain what we want. The objective will always be the same, perhaps I will vary the way to achieve it; But remember, whatever way you get what you're looking for, giving up should never be one of the options.

I am very happy with the results we are obtaining in this new planting season, the seeds that we have sown are thriving very well, only a few are missing and we will have concluded the sowing. If you want to see the progress of the garden, you just have to visit my Vlog.


Source:  vimeo-free-videos

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