Events since the lightning strike: Following up

I got this PC in 2019, it was a GAMING PC, but I only wanted it for the most excellent Video Card (GEFORCE GTX)
It had very annoying LED lights around those two fans on the right. I got my friend to cut those wires.
Last Sunday, we had a lightning strike very close by, knocking out power for over 6 hrs.
When the power came back, my PC did not. Nothing I could do would get any response.
I took it to the store where I purchased it, paid $40 diagnostic fee and was told it would be Saturday (TODAY) before they could even take a look at it.
Then I rigged my Laptop to serve in its place here in my bedroom

Imagine my surprise and chagrin, when I was called on Thu to be told my Motherboard was toast, so I bought a new pc, same company and set up, but it's slightly smaller, more powerful processor, faster video processing, but it has those BLOODY LIGHTS

Then began the arduous task of regaining my data and apps. OH GOD I hate that part.


Thursday, my WORKING printer, would not show nor be recognized by the computer, then the printer just died.
I asked my IT Guru to come have a look at the new machine and try to help me figure out this mystery. The latest idea is that the surge can IN through the printer (which was not on any surge protection) traveled the USB to the PC frying it.
He ended up GIVING me an older but working
Brother MFC (Multi Function Center) All in one printer scanner.
Still have to get this monster inside and figure out where to put it

Yesterday I went to my Guru's house. When I moved to this area in 2009 he and his family (and his IT business) were in the home nextdoor, but he grew tired of the city, so many people, the crimes and shootings, so he bought a BUNCH of land in Paulding County

I didn't get to see much, because "the bridge" across the creek at the back was very rickety

The dog liked it

Lily the donkey took a liking to me.
Two asses in one photo


Here she is giving me the evil eye

They have other horse type animules

Here are Lily and "Freckles" who they say is the mama and alpha animule

Way in the back there is the stud who isn't very friendly
The afternoon started with feeding time followed by spraying (The Ticks are very bad this year, but far worst across the stream)


So to hopefully avoid this expensive exercise in computer replacement, this printer/scanner will NOT be connected to the PC via USB, it will serve wirelessly (in a perfect world anyway)

Oh! I almost forgot!

When I pulled into my drive and started shutting down, then and only then did I notice the HATED Low Fuel light.
Luckily my neighbor had some gas in a can, which allowed me to get to the station safely.
I know, I know, when that light comes on you should have around 50 miles left, but in this case I had no idea how long it had been illuminated.
Such adventures

"My Week in Review"

Jerry E Smith
All images original or sourced


Self Portrait from about 1978

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