We are alive! February 23rd 2023. Power Out

Right after posting about cptx, we heard a loud buzzing sound outside. The lights flickered and the power suddenly went out . Ut oh

We lit the candles and inspected the sump pump. It's very soggy and cold outside and the well was filling up quickly. I got the generator ready and put in some gasoline. First time running it, I got it going and plugged in the pump and emptied the we'll before it flooded the basement.

I discovered, not surprisingly, we cannot run the generator in the basement, even for a minute. We moved the generator outside and ran a power cable to the pump.

We have a water sensor at the top of the we'll, so when it was full an alarm would sound. It was a rough night, as every hour or so the we'll would refill and the alarm would wake me up. I had to go outside in the dark freezing rain and yank the pull cord and run the generator for a minute or two, so the well would drain. I did this five times before the sun rise. All night long, every hour. Whew. I'm sleepy today!

Power and internet is still out (it's now 5pm the next day), but I have some charge left on my phone and cell service. We expect the power to be restored tonight, but we don't know for sure.

The temperature has increased, which is nice, except all the ice that is covering everything is melting and the well is filling twice as fast! I really hope to get better (uninterrupted) sleep tonight.

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