No Choice but Offline Mode (for Now) | AATYr4

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I'm #aliveandthriving but my Internet is currently dead (since around noontime yesterday). Yeah, I missed half day of work and was unable to do other online activities too. Sadly, I will be missing my #LarryIsAlive post for the second day. It is what it is. Phone company tech came by in the afternoon and saw a major outage for me and around 16 other folks connected to the same fiber Internet connection. He filed a report for it. Hopefully, the tech team that will be deployed tomorrow will be able to fix this big issue. Until then, I'm forced to go offline for now as mobile data is not only limited but also more expensive. 😢

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Today I got to supervise closely the insulation installation for the entire flat. Plus, there's cleaning and gardening too. Glad I was able to give them more attention.

I'll be back with my regular post once everything is fixed. Ta-tah for now 👋

(PS. I edited this post while my personal pc is connected to my mobile hotspot. No my landline fiber connection is not yet fixed. According to phone company, it may take three days. Inshallah!)


credits for the new signature : @stdd

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