Colloidal Silver and its apparent health "benefits"...

This Cat from the United states has, as can be seen in the video linked to this "article" or "piece" been drinking and eating melted down SILVER.

Yes, Silver as in "1-pesos Amigo?

Yeah, Above we have a macro of the METAL Silver.

The Health advocate has turned BLUE, from his consumption of METAL.

I encourage you to do your own research on the health benefits of ingesting METAL in compulsive amounts as a neccesary and valuable part of your diet.

I am sure that like me you´ll find out that actually the man is slowly killing himself and looking like a smurf while doing it. If it´s a "gimmick" or "for the lulz"kynd of thing then it´s a great "bit" and i take my hat off for the LolCat.

However the idiot doesent look like he´s joking, probably dead by now from his dietary habits.

LOL. He´s a fkn "gimp"...

Enoy this Monday friends on the #HIVE #BLOCKCHAIN !!!!


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