IAAC//SALT//BURN ALIVE TOKENS. Tuesday September 26.


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The word salt came to have connotations of high esteem and honor both in ancient languages and modern ones. Salt also became a symbol of stability and permanence. Salt also have preservative qualities.


Throughout history salt has proved to be a precious commodity.
One of the contributing factor to the French Revolution was the high tax LOUIS XVI imposed on salt.
Moorish merchants traded salt for gold, gram for gram.
The English word salary, came from the latin word samarium (sal,salt) referring to the early Roman wages, part of it was an allowance of salt.
The Greeks paid for slaves with salt, giving rise to the expression "NOT WORTH THE SALT".
Some African tribes use slabs of rock salt for money.
Interestingly it has been estimated that if all the oceans in the world were completely dried up, they would yield an estimated 4.5 million cobic miles(19 million cubic killometers) of rock salt.
The dead sea is about nine times as salty as the ocean.


Today salt continues to be precious commodity. Among other uses, salt is used to * [1] Season foods, * [2] Preserve meat, * [3] manufacturing soap and glass. In many countries of the world salt is fortified with iodine to combact endemics, iodine deficiency characterized by goiter Inlargement of the thyroid gland in severe cases by mental retardation. Some countries add flouride to salt to prevent dental caries.


While salt is essential for good health: regulating blood volume and pressure. Doctors have routinely restricted salt and sodium intake in hypertensive patients.
Salt certainly adds to the enjoyment of food. Tasteless thinds can not be eaten without salt.

It's Tuesday, the day to burn alive tokens, i was able to burn 5 alive tokens.

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