Relief from the heat and Sun

I was dreading walking outside side it had been so hot today but the dog needed to so i had to go out an accompany her.

Some big clouds had moved into the area about an hour ago which provided some relief from the beating sunshine. I love the sun but at its strongest it can be brutal. But the combination does make for a nice photo.

The sun is almost ready to set so it provides lots of different levels of light reflecting off of those same clouds. Looking out over the valley and lake is a view I always enjoy.

Looking back to the east is also a lot of clouds. I like the tree line with the clouds above.

The below photo shows how warm/hot it was today. The top right section reflects the current temperature of 90. This is after all these clouds moved in as it was perfectly clear this morning with not a single cloud in the sky.

To the right of the current temperature of 90 it shows the high temperature of 109 F. That hig was only an hour and a half ago. So there has been an almost 20 degree cool down because of these clouds and scattered rain showers. I am very thankful for the clouds snd rain.

While i was sitting on my back porch writing this the clouds changed even more so i took another one to share with everyone.

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