This week's plan - #IAmAliveChallenge Tuesday, November 14, 2023

My Hive post plan:

  • MyHiveGoals2023 - #IAmAliveChallenge Monday, November 13, 2023
  • This week's plan - #IAmAliveChallenge Tuesday, November 14, 2023
  • Rising Star Giveaway Wednesday, November 15, 2023
  • Staking Your ALIVE Tokens - #IAmAliveChallenge Thursday, November 16, 2023
  • #LarryIsAlive Friday, November 17, 2023
  • Rising Star Giveaway Saturday, November 18, 2023
  • Rising Star Giveaway Sunday, November 19, 2023

There's no schedule for this week to go outside. So, I'm focusing on selling and trying to do everything that I left before because of the busy week. There'll be 3 Rising Star Giveaways as always the reward will depend on the next post. Wednesday will be 15k Starbits, Saturday will be 10k, and Sunday will be 15k again (I don't think there'll be something on November 22, 2023).

Day by day we through, My friends who are still in college will be stepping into adult work soon. I did a house survey and they are going to the same way as I did. They started to find the best place for them to live and it's close to their workplace. Well, most of them are coming from outside of the province and they get a job here so they can't go back home. It's good to see them preparing better than me. I hope their plan is going to be a good one. They always say, "Property and the living price is rising and our wage is not rising more than the inflation. How will we even provide for ourselves later?".

That's the fact that people especially those who live in the same city as me. Somehow we need to have a big job (good is not enough) or at least have a side job to think of buying something else other than living expenses. How to reduce living expenses? It's easy exactly, but we need to live without technology and go to the village. There won't be a company job there. So, it's back to the choice of either high income and high living expenses or low income and low living expenses.

The best choice is high income and low living expenses. It's hard to get that but what we need is the plan at least how long we must work after we can achieve financial freedom with investment. I hope we'll achieve our financial freedom.

Have a nice week~

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