Love I Used To Have.


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Have you ever look at someone so close that you can see the thin hair on their body, the softness of their skin, how it feels when you touch their skin, the way the hair moves when you brush their hair with your hands, the taste of their lips when you kiss it slowly control your movements do things slowly notice everything that is happening.

Be aware of how it feels inside of you, the strong emotion that you feel can you feel it? then you start to wonder do they feel it too? How do they feel when you touch their skin? How do they feel when you kiss the forehead? Do they feel the same strong emotions as you do? When you kiss their lips πŸ’‹ she smiled and start to hug you tight her arms around you gripping you hugging you closer and closer, both legs grips you like she never want to let you go. There finally you know for sure she feel the same way too.

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