Celebrating my brother's birthday

Yesterday was my brother's birthday. He turned 13 this year.

Every year my brother's birthday is celebrated in a big way but this year I heard from the mouth of kaku that he will not celebrate the birthday in the a big way like before.. So did not make any plan in advance.

Suddenly, three days ago, Kaku(another brothe of mine) said that this time too, big brother's birthday celebration will be held. Other times they manage everything from cooking themselves but this time Kaku told to manage everything by handing over the responsibility to the birthday organizers. So there was no matter of going there to help us in terms of work.

Yesterday I was supposed to go after noon but I couldn't go at noon because of some work. By the time I left, it was around seven in the evening.

After I went to Kaku's house, Bhai first opened the gate of the house and welcomed me. I wish him a beautiful birthday and talk with him while walking. Then I went to the room to see the various things arranged for the birthday celebration.

While I was gone my brother's friends and other birthday guests had left. I heard from Kaku that approximately 70 guests have been invited. I was quite surprised to hear that 70 people will be served indoors. Although Kaku's house had a lot of free space, it made everything a little easier to manage.

However, around eight o'clock the birthday cake cutting started. Everything happened like the joy of cutting a cake. Brother was very happy to celebrate his birthday. The little kids who were invited to brother's birthday were very happy. I loved watching those moments. After watching all the fun I went to a room. Then the guests who arrived were served first. Since we were homebodies, we decided to eat last. Seating arrangements were made inside the room with chairs and tables and it was organized in such a way that twenty people can eat together at a time. After completing three rounds of eating and drinking, we went to eat. Bhai's birthday party was grand.

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