Planning a new week 01 on 24/04/23

It has been awhile since i posted on my personal account, health and family problems have got in the way of my general flow and upset my balance, not that it was perfect before anyways.

I now going to try and plan my way back to be more productive.😎

I have mixed feelings about plans. 🤣

Will be honest i personally fucking hate plans even though i know it is necessary for many situations, however for the most part i rarely see plans work out.

I generally keep my plans super flexible because, i could make good money taking bets on the way the original plans will have to be adapted and changed because i have so many people in different routines all around me.

Just in my family unit alone we have many people on different shifts, sleeping patterns and with different needs all at different times.

Sometimes i wonder if plans are just a crutch to make us feel like we are doing something to control the world around us.

Or maybe plans are just an official way to be able to say NO to people i don't know?

Be honest with yourself when did a week worth of planning go the way you planned or even slightly wanted.

Don't get me wrong, i think there are many situations a plan can work out, like in a learning or business situation.

Even if you are someone that is strict about following their plans that will probably involve others changing their plans to fit around you, just so this is possible.

If you are able to rigidly stick to your plans but don't think that involves others changing theirs so you can, i hate to break it to you, but you maybe a dickhead or narcissist.

It is hard to plan things out that doesn't conflict with other peoples plans especially if you was unaware someone was going to come into your life and disrupt your plan that week.

Also let's not forget that a situation or an event can also disrupt your plans as well adding to the extra chance of a failed or changed plan.

The trouble is if you do not make plans you will probably end up lacking focus, unproductive and end up failing more times than not.

So i guess having a plan is better than no plan even if it gets disrupted or changed it does bring stability and guidance in a chaotic world.

I am wondering if maybe i compromise too much sometimes or maybe that the flexibility i offer to those around me allows them to achieve what they have planned.

So what are my plans this week well again i want to keep things flexible i know i will need to change and adapt things as the week goes on.

Plan This Week


Monday - Plan For The Week and create a post about it, as well as complete @heartbeatonhive curation game post.

Tuesday - Do some work in the garden working on the living spaces for chickens and quails and create a post about it, as well as complete heartbeatonhive curation game post.

Wednesday - Spend sometime researching tokens and apps on Hive creating a post about it as well as heartbeatonhive curation game post.

Thursday - Work on technical stuff applications, websites and landing pages as well as generate web traffic for online business activities as well as heartbeatonhive curation game post.

Friday - Spend time working on heartbeatonhive project as well as the curation game post.

Saturday - Family time as well as curation game post heartbeatonhive

Sunday Track goals and progress as well as curation game post @heartbeatonhive

Going to try and fit in some walks around the area if i can as well as some yoga i have been a bit slack on this lately, exercise outside of nomal routines is important.

Plan The Week

Monday - We Are Alive Tribe Curation Collection/Plan Your Week
Tuesday - We Are Alive Tribe Curation Collection/Burn Alive Tokens
Wednesday - I Am Alive Challenge Curation Collection/Stake Alive Tokens
Thursday - Larry is Alive Curation Collection
Friday - Alive And Thriving Curation Collection
Saturday - Alive Weekend Curation Collection
Sunday - You Are Alive Curation Collection

Recently for the last week we had a sponsored giveaway by @iamraincrystal to celebrate her 3rd anniversary for Alive and Thriving it was a lot of fun with chances to win tickets for prizes and to earn rewards.

I give away tokens there everyday i can in prize draws so go check it out.

Here are some of the tokens i giveaway regularly.

The Alive Token

The CTP Token

Bitcoin Backed Hive

The Listnerd Token











So if any of these tokens interest you come take part and learn how you can get rewarded just by engaging with the post.

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