Happiness You Choose

Happiness you choose, so explore your life fully and fill it with things you love, find your good in everyday.

I have no idea what the hell is going on in my personal life right now but it seems something is going on due the crazy events i have had to deal with lately.

This week was a particulary tough one as at the end of last week a family member took an overdose.

So all week we have been dealing with being at hospitals, dealing with mental health and other services as well as tying to keep things as normal as possible for the younger members of the family.

Then on top of that dealing with all the general basics we have to do to live.

Luckily the family member survived but it luckily was still a bad enough experience that they have realised that they both did not really want to die and also does not want to go through the experience again.

See i think a lot of times people that try to take their own life usually don't really want to die but rather they just want the situation or feelings that are causing their pain to die.

When you are not very level headed i think this can be mistaken for the feeling of wanting to die.

This is just going off my own life experience of being in that dark place myself and processing my thoughts to come to the conclusion as well as talking to other people that have tried taking their lives over the years.

Just today i spoke to 3 people that tried to take thier lives but failed and are actually happy now many years later. They all agreed even though at the time killing themselves was the answer they thought they was looking for, looking back with a more level head and in control of their feelings that it was more they just wanted out of the despair they where caught up in.

It is easy when people are suffering to get caught up in their situation when things seems hopeless from their point of view.

If you are feeling this way or know someone that is going through it, listen, communication is the key.

Tough times really never last even if they sometimes go on for awhile.

No problem is so big that it can not be worked through and any situation can be fixed even if it takes time

Be good to one another the best you can because the truth of the matter is we are all just trying to get through life the best we can trying to collect the best memories and moments we can.

Happiness is always there for the taking even in the darkest times we just have to be willing to seek it and choose it.

There is a quote i totally agree with, that everyone should know in my opinion especially in the darker moments of life.

“Every day may not be good...
but there's something good in every day”
Alice Morse Earle

Anyway just some food for thought, next time you find yourself in a dark place struggling to find happiness focus your mind on Alice Morse Earle's quote but put in the effort to choose happiness by finding at least one good thing in everyday.

Our lives are a journey and we want to support you on your journey personal and financial in the We Are Alive Tribe created by @flaxz

Today i completed a first and second coat of paint on a small bathroom offline.
Online i completed my curation for @aliveandthriving we post our daily curations here @aliveandthriving/posts

My Alive And Thriving Curation

@jmis101 completes her entry into the Larry is Alive daily contest getting paid to find him

@herculeand reaches 2K Alive Power now is looking towards his next milestone closer and closer to success daily

@mypathtofire shares some highlights from his Splinterlands Season and he continues to succeed on his blockchain gaming journey on Hive

Then i completed a curation and post on @heartbeatonhive where we celebrated Larry is Alive

My Heartbeat On Hive Curation

@kingturtler completes their daily entry into the Larry is Alive Contest getting paid to find him

@gestion.alive goes on the hunt for Larry the Postman in the daily Larry is Alive Contest

@iamraincrystal says goodbye to August and welcomes September as she completes her entry into the Larry is Alive daily contests

@adcreatordesign finds Larry in 6 locations in the past couple of days in the daily contest

@imfarhad shares a mid week smooth day enjoying cricket and completing entry into the daily Larry is Alive Contest

Larry is Alive

I did manage to complete one task in this daily contest i plan to do better in the future.

I surfed over 50 pages.

I am a pro member at leadsleap

Well that is it for today.

You Are Awesome stay Alive And Be Thriving
Thanks for reading
I Am Grateful To Be Alive

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