Splinterlands - End of Season 117 Highlights

Hello Splinterfans!

Where does the time go? Season 117 has come to an end and it's that time to weigh up the rewards and see how it went.

I have been playing both wild and modern, but mostly modern. Half of the season from my mobile and the App has been working pretty great.

As the price of Hive has fallen, I didn't buy any DEC with it yet, even though I have a growing shopping list, including a few level 1 cards that I need to upgrade.

I heard the news that we may see Rebellion released at the end of 2023 which is sooner than I expected. I was not expecting it so soon, so may need to stack DEC with priority to be ready for the launch.



Overall, pretty average stats. The good thing was that I managed to climb up to Gold I again in the wild league. It is good fun to play some wild matches, especially when you win more than lose like I did here.



My End of Season chests were great. 2 Chaos Legion packs, some gold foil and a shaky shaky. Just what you need! This was 1 CL pack more than last season.



My full season rewards were similar in $ value to last season, but I did get more CL packs but less SPS. I think it is always great to get CL packs.

My rental income has gone up slightly after I optimized some rentals,but still way off the peak levels.



My staked SPS has increased and I have been building up the value on my alt too.

My SPS rewards are similar to last season. It would be good to somehow earn more SPS, I should look at playing some tournaments or something.

Overall a good season with some nice earnings. I need to make a few upgrades and hope we might get a raise in Hive so I can get them at good prices.

That's all for this update, thanks for reading.


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