I Am Alive - Day 136

Today I had a very productive day: I finished some assignments in Python (I hadn't sat behind Python for so long that I almost forgot all about Python's rules).

And that made me think back for a moment about how much my life has changed in the past 2 years because of the pandemic. Little, crazy things even.

Like wearing tight jeans, for example. I've spent so terribly long in the house, walking around in loose dresses or shorts, that I now get irritated with tight jeans. It seems like my skin just can't take it.

But putting on earrings also makes my ears itch. You should know that I am someone who does not wear jewelry at home. I prefer not to wear anything on my body, unless I really have to.🤣

But it is also hard for me to follow certain subjects at the University.

Under normal circumstances, the curriculum is structured in such a way that you are first introduced to Python in your first college year and then immediately in the 2nd college year you are introduced to Numerical Analysis (and then you make Numerical Analysis assignments in Python).

We were introduced to Python in November 2019 and (because of the pandemic) we now have to do the course of Numerical Analysis in 2022. And if you haven't looked back at Python all this time, you do now have to go back and brush up on everything first.

Fortunately for me, the refresher didn't take that terribly long, but I do see other students really struggling with it. And that's kind of sad.

Anyway, some things you just can't change. Again, it just takes some time getting used to.

What I don't want to get used to are the war reports though. I still hope and pray that it will end soon.

Much strength to everyone going through difficult times right now. A warm hug.💙


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