Happy Sunday to all the hivers in we are alive community. In my introductory note yesterday, I promised to share my outing and discovery missions with you.
Community, I will be excited to share with you my experience today Sunday 26/11/2023 on my outing to a field location that I have not been to in my life.
I had the opportunity of flying to a location by helicopter to where I have never been to in my life. As soon as we took off into the air, the weather changed and became cloudy. For one and half hours we were moving in the cloud, it made me to develop fear if we were moving on the right track, I was so afraid as never before but was praying that our journey should be successful. Honestly, I cannot remember if I have had such experience throughout my traveling life. The summary of the story is that we eventually landed on a small helipad in a swampy oil location. On my arrival, a Helicopter landing officer came and received me, and took me to a briefing room and I was briefed and given accommodation by another staff of the place who is the facility coordinator of the small location.
I finally discovered now as I write to the community that I am a stranger amid all the people here. It may sound so funny, but the truth is that I have never seen any of the people here in my life until today. I am alive and thriving hivers. My accommodation is a small room in a houseboat on top of water.
It is night here and more pics of the environment will be shared as the day brakes but below I s pics of my small cubicle room.

Pic: My Room set up

Pic: My Bed

Hivers, I am alive and thriving here. I appreciate you all for the votes I am getting from you. Thanks and Shalom!

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