From free society to camp to oven: Post 1

Highlighting uncomfortable truths about the rapid decline of Canada from being a free society to a place where the idea of camps and ovens can no longer be easily dismissed as completely ridiculous fear mongering.

We’re doing it to ourselves.

I don’t know how many of these posts I will publish, however, it astounds me that so many people seem to be OK with all of this government control and over reach.

Not enough people are speaking out against the government and where we’re heading.

Maybe adding my voice – in this way – will help at least one person wake up.

Government continues to discriminate against a minority

At this point in time, the majority of countries around the world have dropped their covid mandates and restrictions. They do more harm than good and the jabs themselves don’t prevent infection, spread or even hospitalization.

I used the government’s own data to demonstrate this fact in a previous post.

Of course, totalitarian states like China and North Korea still have mandates and restrictions. The reasons have nothing to do with health and everything to do with politics and control over the people. Just like in Canada.

As stated in this True North report on the government extending restrictions and mandates, Canada is continuing to discriminate against a significant portion of its population by not allowing them to leave the country without having been jabbed with a covid shot.

Once more, there is no science behind this decision. Why is covid different in Canada than in any other place on Earth? It’s not. There’s nothing special about covid here or there.

Justin Trudeau, the government and the sleeping majority are simply maintaining the mandates for politics, to control the people and to punish the less sheepish part of the population.

In Trudeau’s case, it is also to mostly punish those who didn’t blindly go along with his wishes.

He’s a disgusting, petty, individual.

Wire tapping citizens

And in keeping with other totalitarian states, check out this Rebel News report revealing that the government wire tapped law abiding, peaceful, citizens during the 2022 Freedom Convoy.

There was no reason for it. The protesters were never a threat but – in response – the government still wiretapped citizens. I do wonder how many people were spied on illegally.

How many are being wiretapped right now?


I’ll leave it here for today. For the sake of my sanity, I think that’s enough for now.

The sad truth, maybe the pathetic truth, is that the majority of people living in Canada are so compliant and weak-minded that they’re allowing for the continuing erosion of freedom.

They are blind to the growing possibility that – in this place – one day dissidents, un-jabbed and others with unacceptable views could be forced into camps… Or worse.

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