Canada shows us where we live

In February 2022, Canada’s first blackface prime minister unleashed the brutality of the state against the bouncy castles, hot tubs, pancakes and honking sounds that had been terrorizing the country for a few weeks.

Government horses trampled the people, its batons struck, its rubber bullets hit at close range and it stole their money.

If those actions didn’t wake you up, then nothing ever will and you might as well go back to sleep.

Where I thought I lived

I’ll be 51 this year (2022), and I’ve spent the majority of my life believing that the country I live in – Canada – is the greatest place on the planet.

An absolute top-notch nation with the best healthcare, the most freedom, a sound money-system, a responsible journalism industry, a population with loads of common-sense and the least corrupted governments.

These are the things my parents have told me since day one, it’s what the teachers told me and what the people around me have always repeated. The true north strong and free, right? Bullshit.

I was wrong on all counts.

Where I actually live

It turns out that the only thing the geographic area, commonly referred to as Canada, currently has got going for itself is an abundance of natural beauty.

The ‘state’ of Canada though, the country, the so-called nation and its people, is something completely different and not at all as advertised.

Here is what I mean…


When the little potato, Trudeau, stood up and announced that he was going to use the Emergencies Act against a group of peaceful protesters blowing their horns in Ottawa – AND freeze the bank accounts of all those who donated and participated – that’s when it was publicly declared that we do not live in a free and “democratic” country.

But this should have been made obvious earlier in 2020 & 2021, when the governments quickly trampled all over our so-called Charter Rights – all with the excuse that it was to deal with a pandemic.

Since 2020, it’s been made incredibly clear to me and anyone who is even a little awake that governments at all levels are filled with self-serving individuals, order followers, power-hungry goons and complete idiots.

How else do you explain the ridiculous masking rules, the little arrows on the grocery store floor, the willful destruction of small and medium businesses, the illogical vaccine policies and the creation of a segregated society?

The rest of this post could be filled with example after example of the non-sensical stuff the governments forced on the population but that’s not the point of this entry.

The point is to show exactly what we allow to rule over us. The kind of place we live in.

Right from early 2020, every time anyone raised an objection to what these governments did, every time someone questioned anything they were immediately insulted, ridiculed, banned, shut down and ignored.

Authoritarian, tyrannical regimes don’t just exist elsewhere. Today, if you’re in Canada you’re in such a regime.

The reason Trudeau and Freeland hit hard against the peaceful protest in Ottawa isn’t because there was any danger, it was because the protesters, the truckers and the supporters were visible proof that a large section of the population does not agree with what the governments have been imposing on them.

They disagreed with the prime groper and didn’t simply shut-up and do as they were told. So they had to be put down before more people woke up.

That’s really why the Act was brought out the the government.

And don’t think the government opposition is on the side of the people either. They’ve been silent from the start and only came out of their pits when they sensed an opportunity that could benefit them.


When the politicians had to vote on whether or not to invoke the Emergencies Act every one of them voted along party lines. Even the individuals who knew for certain that using those powers was very wrong.

It was quite revealing.

They were told to vote a certain way regardless of how they truly felt about the situation and in spite of what their constituents were saying. These corrupt politicians went with what was best for them personally.

All governments, all politicians only act in their own interests. They don’t serve you. They don’t care about you and will lie to your face if it suits them. I challenge anyone to prove me wrong.


A quick note about the healthcare system: The truth is that it is a terrible system. The governments and everyday people will keep telling you it is the best because everyone can get access.

However, just because it is universal doesn’t automatically make it “the best”. In fact, according to this 2021 Commonwealth Fund report we are not anywhere close to the top. This sort of ranking is nothing new.

Considering the amount of money governments throw at it – in my lifetime – the system has always been bad. Finding a family doctor is difficult, wait times for services like an MRI scan or most medical procedures (unless extremely urgent) can take many months or even years.

This makes diagnosing health issues very difficult. For example, because everything takes so long, by the time you figure out what is wrong, a minor health issue has now developed into a serious concern.

Canada’s healthcare system is absolutely nothing to brag about.

Just wanted to throw that in there…


Like most other countries on the planet, the Canadian dollar is a fiat currency. It is not backed by anything and can be printed at will. And – in Canada – they’ve been printing like crazy since 2020.

None of that is good for regular folks.

I won’t really go deeper in this post, however, I will bring to your attention something that I myself didn’t realize until recently – about money in Canada.

Basically, if you don’t have physical possession of it, you don’t own it. If your money is kept in any financial institution the government can quickly and easily take it from you. At any time and for any reason.

The same thing goes for credit cards or any other organization that typically gives you access to credit or cash. They can block you from using those services.

Are you participating in something the government doesn’t support? No money for you.

Did you donate a couple of bucks to a cause you like but one the politicians don’t like? No money for you.

Are you thinking for yourself? No money for you.

Banks and governments can steal your money and prevent you from using it at anytime and for whatever reason they make up. This was made abundantly clear by Trudeau and Freeland when they brought out the Emergencies Act.

What do you think happens when they roll out their programmable central bank digital currency?


Legacy media, also known as mainstream media are propaganda machines that churn out content to promote an approved narrative. They are nothing more than that.

This was more than obvious with how Canada’s media reported on the protesters, truckers and supporters in Ottawa. The state broadcaster (CBC), CTV, Global News and all the others told viewers / readers that the event was filled with violent, hateful people, racists and white nationalists.

Yet, all anyone had to do was watch the countless livestreams and videos from within the protest to see that is was not at all that way. It was the exact opposite.

There were kids playing hockey, free meals, music, hot tubs and bouncy castles. Those who attended were brown, black, red, yellow, white. All equally cold and determined to be heard.

The mainstream media was told to spew out lies, and twist the truth. They happily followed orders.

As for the majority of the smaller “independent media” they also get money from the government and because of that will never present you with anything that doesn’t go along with the script.

Don’t believe me? Do your own research!

For starters check out CRA’s tax measures to support journalism. Then head on over to Canadian Heritage and read about the money they’re giving out to media in Canada.

You can’t trust anything said, written or shown by media in Canada. At least, not the ones who take money from governments. They are not free or independent.


From the start of 2020, perhaps the most surprising thing that was revealed to me are the kind of people who live in the country. That includes my neighbours, the folks I know and even some family members.

I’m about to paint with a very wide brush – and I realize there are exceptions – but here it goes…

The vast majority of Canadians are not kind and polite; they are actually fear-filled people who are unable to think for themselves and only repeat and do what they’re told.

They don’t think critically. They are order followers. They have no common-sense.

As proof I point to the huge number of people who rushed out to get injected (and have their kids injected) with an experimental inoculation because the government, unknown “experts” and media doctors told them to do it.

They did not even stop to consider that no one – not even the creators of these jabs – have any idea what the longterm effects will be on their health.

And even today, after the public release of the Pfizer data and its 9 pages of severe adverse reactions and side effects these stupid morons still repeat the slogan that the shots are safe and effective. They keep swallowing it all.

Oh, and those nine pages aren’t written in large font or double-spaced.

If you did look into it beyond what the media and the politicians told you – you assessed the risks and benefits – and then decided to get the shot, that is not a problem. It’s your choice and that’s all there is to it.

However, that is not what the majority of people did or continue to do and that in itself speaks volumes.

But that’s not all…

Think about all of the people who continue to not question anything they’re told by “experts”, tv & internet doctors, politicians, pretenders and billionaires.

These people stand by and do nothing while – because of cruel policies – others lose their jobs and are forced into financial hardship; while small businesses are shuttered and while lives are ruined. They even cheer it on and hatefully push for more.

Understand that they willingly participate in segregation and encourage a two-tier society. They want to take away rights and freedoms of others and refuse to think for themselves.

They just want to watch Netflix, be controlled, governed harder and focus their attention on whatever the powers-that-be point at. Look! Something shiny.

With few exceptions, sadly, this is Canada’s population.

Freedom & Rights

Rights and freedom is a complicated area. I won’t go into it much but I feel it’s important to set things straight.

Freedom is defined as the quality or state of being free: such as the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action.

Think back. As of 2020, have you been free?

Of course, living in a society does mean a certain amount of freedom needs to be sacrificed.

For example, I may want the freedom to buy a cow and keep it in my suburban backyard but that means I’m imposing the noises and smells associated with keeping a cow on the family next door. That’s not right.

Have we ever been free?

The answer is, no.

However, I understand that there has to be reasonable limits to freedom. The keyword though is: reasonable. So, let’s re-phrase the earlier question, since 2020 have the limits put on our freedoms been reasonable?

I would argue that – again – the answer is, no.


According to smarter people than me, “a Right is any action or behaviour that an individual may take, which does not initiate harm against any other sentient being.

Rights apply to physical actions or behaviors.

Rights also apply to individuals.

What does it mean to initiate harm?

There’s really only one thing that we can do in this universe that can initiate harm:


To wrongfully steal someone’s life, rights or property.

More specifically: murder assault, rape theft of property, trespassing, coercion, and deception.

A right is any action that is not theft of life, rights or property.”

I fully agree with that definition. In fact, I encourage you to check out this video (and the post) on the definition of a Right. It’s quick and well worth your time.

Based on that, if you live in the country called Canada, what’s been happening to your Rights since 2020?

Have you been deceived by politicians? Have you been coerced into taking an experimental jab in order to keep a job? Have governments stolen your money?

Have you been denied the ability to exercise your Rights?

The question also applies to people who think Rights are somehow granted by governments or some other organization. For example, the Charter Rights in Canada, have they been respected during?

I’ll answer that one you… The answer is, no.


I admit that this post is little more than a badly articulated, harsh rant. It’s an expression of the frustration I feel about everything that is going own in the country. I aim a little of that frustration at myself too.

By way of the “pandemic”, Canada has shown itself to be a place ruled by a self-serving authoritarian, tyrannical regime only too willing to brutalize and lie to the people.

A place where media is controlled, Rights and freedom are not respected or upheld and where property is easily stolen by the state.

It’s a place largely populated by fearful sheep, segregationists, order followers and hate-filled individuals who are unable to think for themselves and are seriously lacking in common-sense.

A place filled with people who have lost their way. People who are disconnected from the natural and each other. Not all but most.

That is the Canada that currently exists.

Rant over. From this point on I'm going to try to figure out possible solutions.

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