Dan The Viking


I closed my eyes and asked the God of wisdom for a sign to take the path of fortune. Behind me, hundreds of faithful warriors were standing firm, who swore with me to discover what lay beyond the immense sea and to leave their lives in the mission, if necessary.

I did not pretend to be the master of reason, I wanted to listen and analyze the vision of my men to do the will of the majority, according to the prophecies a long winter was coming and the food supply was not enough for the season, on the other hand, there were the deserters from the west, who were more and more, threatened to attack us and seize our treasures.

There was an unusual fear in my heart, the uncertainty stole my breath, it was very difficult to sleep, it was many days of fasting in search of the light and finally; Odin, our God, the guide of the conquerors, manifested himself, it was necessary to make sacrifices in offerings to decipher the signs.

Great men of honor, warriors of height felt the call, it is painful to see faithful friends die, whom I saw defend our cause in so many battles and raise the victory. I will wear my best suit, I will raise my cup at a great banquet to celebrate their ascents to Valhalla.

Image by Pixabay.

Fuzzy scrolls appeared in my dreams, enigmas gradually became clearer, unknown lands, great treasures, the face of a man I had never seen before, in his right hand he wielded an imposing sword of luminous steel.

Before the threats, we left the land that for years we populated and cultivated, the omens of our God were encouraging, all our ships in the open sea, on the way to the conquest, it is difficult to navigate to the unknown, but we were committed to open new roads and write new stories.

After fighting a large group of insurgents, we settled our families in a new land, formed a group of 12 men and explored the mountain. A day and a half from our location we found fire and temporary construction, we were not alone, in the blink of an eye we were grazed by arrows and surrounded by men on horseback.

There was no intent to kill us, so we were taken into the presence of the tribal chief.

Before the gaze of many, I saw only the glow and raised my head, it was him, there before me was the man with the sword that appeared in my dreams, Count Dan.

I was allowed to speak on behalf of my people, and without thinking I told him that everything was a plan of Odin to join forces, there is a mineral that they call "The Hive" and soon will change the order of agreements and wealth in the world, it is time for the alliance.

Everyone laughed at me, but there was no order to hold us or annihilate us, on the contrary, we were invited to share the table and spend the night, minutes later a man approached me to inform me that the count requested a private meeting.

Dan asked me to relate my dreams in detail, then told me he had similar visions, intuitively trusted my word, we shook hands and planned the first moves of what would later be the great feat of the Vikings, sensational chapters captured in the history books of Scandinavia.

Image by Pixabay.

I forgot a very important detail, the day we were brought before the count to receive trial, he celebrated with his tribe his 36th birthday.

Happy Birthday Dan!


Initiative to Celebrate TheyCallmeDan's Birthday.

Translated with DeepL.com
Cover Imagen: Pixabay.


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