First phase of Hive Promotional Project in Ghana was Successful (Drilling stage).

Project Status Report

Truly, this is one of the most significant successes of the Hive blockchain here in Ghana with regards to empowering and improvement of people's lives via promotional activities. It is true that helping to transform the lives of individuals in a society promotes everything you share with them. The town Fawoade in Adudwama of Ghana's Ashanti region has adopted Hive, even though it is on the verge of providing one of their fundamental necessities. Everyone's fundamental requirements must become a major topic of discussion every day.

Despite the fact that many Ghanaians use social media and internet platforms throughout the globe, none of them can even begin to address the needs of the community until Hive. The Hive blockchain, with the assistance of @mcsamm and @collinz, assisted the blockchain in identifying a community in Ghana that lacks access to adequate drinking water.

Fawoade is a settlement in Ghana's Ashanti region that is a suburb of Adudwama. The community is populated by individuals whose primary employment is farming. It is, however, surrounded by several other settlements that seem to be far nicer than Fawoade Adudwama.

Potable water is one of the town's most difficult challenges. According to study, the residents of Fawoade Adudwama trek for 10-15 minutes, which is roughly 1 mile, in search of water from neighboring communities. Since of the town's recent growth, many individuals have chosen to stay here because they find it to be peaceful. All of the other large towns that surround this area are responsible for providing water to the residents of Fawoade Adudwama. In this regard, the Hive blockchain, with the sponsorship of @valueplan, agreed to build a borehole water system as part of the Hive Promotional Project In Ghana to feed the people of Fawoade in Adudwama and save the community from walking such long distances to get water for their use.

1. Preview.png

Preparations for the construction of this project were well made in order to announce the Beginning of Hive Promo Project in Ghana. Today, I'm writing to provide an update on the success of Hive's initiative in Ghana which begins with the drilling of the borehole.


According to a previous post published before to the start of this project, the Hive promotional project will be built in three phases. This is the first stage, which began on Saturday, March 19, 2022. This stage is primarily concerned with the borehole water system drilling. The company that was awarded this contract arrived to survey and scan the land supplied by the community leaders. It was comforting to know that the location provided was closer to the homes of the Town Council Chairman and the President of the Town Landlords. This was done to assist assure the project's safety and appropriate upkeep.

Due to the overcast weather, the drilling firm began work a little later than usual. This, I think, had an impact on the time they planned to finish by the end of the day. It was comforting to know that they did an excellent job of ensuring that the drilling was done just as required. We made every effort to guarantee that our presence, as well as the presence of the local and town leaders, was noticed. This aided in ensuring effective monitoring and task efficiency as required. The digging of the borehole water system took the company roughly 4 hours to complete. The images below were taken when the work was being done.

5. Borehole.png







 process of drilling


Water Flow

With all of the time spent at work throughout the drilling process, this was one of the occasions when I started to see the Hive blockchain's goal of putting a smile on the face of this community via its promotional efforts. Even when the pump was not constructed, everyone observed water pouring like a fountain from the underground. It was such a relief to realize that their job was nearing completion. After passing through all of the numerous processes, pure water began to flow at the location for everyone's benefit. Several photos of the rushing water are shown below.




 water flows from underground after drilling without pump


Pump Installation

The workers started arranging and preparing the pump for installation at this time. I took the time to observe the installation procedure. It was quite interesting to see how these items and other things were done. The pump was successfully installed and ready for use. It was undoubtedly turned on after installation to begin pumping out water from the underground. I really appreciated this moment since it meant that the Fawoade of Adudwama town could now have potable water without having to walk 15 minutes to neighboring towns for water.

Despite being told to let the opening water go waste, several ladies and others started to collect the flowing water for use, despite being told to let it go waste. They drilling company instructed that the town leader open the water to allow a large amount of water to flow from the subsurface in order to get the most out of it. The scenes are shown in the photographs below.




 preparing pump for installation



  town and landlords chairman supervising work




 @mcsamm supervising work





 water ready for usage




 Uncoated surface

End of the day.

As previously said, work began a little late, which prevented them from finishing on as planned. However, the weather was cloudy, making it impossible to dress up the surface of the drilled hole. They promised to report early Monday morning since it is already the weekend to ensure the surface is thoroughly treated and coated. The town council chairman and I both expressed our appreciation for the job they accomplished and anticipate that they will return on Monday to dress up the surface of the drilled area. This was completed around 5:30 p.m, when the rain had already begun to fall. We anticipate that the next phase of the project will begin this week, after the drilling is completed. We will undoubtedly keep everyone up to speed on the status of the Hive promotional initiative, which is presently underway in Ghana.






 drilling stage successful with water

Members of the village were visibly excited, despite the fact that this is just the first step of the water system delivered by the Hive blockchain to their community. I am certain that the formal launching to hand over the project to the community will be a wonderful occasion. We (@mcsamm & @collinz) will continue to seek the help of @guiltyparties, @theycallmedan, @doze, @ranchorelaxo, @ocdb, @trafalgar, @resonator, @acidyo, @ackza, @v4vapid, @canadian-coconut, @haejin, @newsflash and all hivers with their upvotes, reblogs, comments and all directions in helping to make this the best for the people of Fawoade in Adudwama.


 a successful day

Promo Project : Construction of borehole system
Location : Adudwama-Fawoade (Ghana, Africa)
Sponsor : @valueplan
Project manager : @mcsamm & @collinz


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