First Phase of Hive Project in Ghana starts tomorrow; Project fund & town leaders meeting.

borehole start.png

I am writing to confirm that all is set for the commencement of the Hive promotional initiative in Ghana on tomorrow Saturday March 19th, 2022. This is a consequence of today's successful meeting with community leaders in Adudwama. The day's schedule provided us with a chance to formally tell the leadership of our readiness to commence the project with the first stage of the project. During the meeting, @collinz took the time to explain to them all the three phases of the borehole project. Their delight at the news they received today was overpowering, simply because Hive is now going to make their dream a reality.

Today's discussion with Adudwama's leadership included the Town Council Leader, Landlords and Homes President, Assembly Chairman, and members of the youth team. We (@mcsamm and @collinz) attended the meeting today at 10 a.m. in the town and at the community council's home. We then conveyed our appreciation to the leaders for the wonderful welcome we received today at the event. Everything about the discussion was positive and exciting, providing optimism and complete permission for the project to begin tomorrow.







 meeting with town leadership

Project Funding

After the Hive Project Budget was posted a few days ago, hivers expressed their gratitude to us for the work done thus far to begin this project. Even though @valueplan has consented to and sponsored this initiative, we appreciate everyone's efforts to assure its success. We continue to invite people to help us in our efforts to empower people in Ghana using the Hive blockchain through Hive promotions and advertisement.

Let me announce that we (@mcsamm and @collinz) have received the estimated money for the completion of the Hive promo project here in Ghana from our sponsor @valuplan on March 17th, 2022. This sum, as stated below, is intended to fund the local Hive empowerment and community promotional project in Ghana, which includes: * Borehole drilling, pump installation, pipe structure, and tanks.
At the start of this project, the contingency money had not yet been added to the funds that had been given.


Phase 1 (Drilling Stage)

The Hive's promotional project in Ghana includes three distinct phases. The first step, which entails drilling the borehole, is set to begin tomorrow, March 19th, 2022. This step, on the other hand, is the workout that will set the tone for the remainder of the activities. Following the discussion with the town authorities, the drilling company helped in choosing the right spot to conduct this initial step of the project at the chosen location.

The drilling business took the time to survey and scan the land that has been selected for the project's completion. The town's leaders picked this location. It is closer to the home of the head of town council and assembly landlords' home. This, they believe, will assist to keep the project safe and well-maintained. However, it seems to be the best location since they think everyone in town will have no trouble reaching the water.

5. Borehole.png







 survey and scanning of land by drilling company

According to the drilling company, work will begin tomorrow morning and will be completed by 12pm. We will be there at the agreed-upon time with the local officials to monitor the exercise and ensure that everything goes as planned. The start of the Hive project tomorrow is a fantastic indication of the hive blockchain's effective life-changing activities for the people of Fawoade in the Adudwama district of Ashanti.

In conclusion

Once again, we want to thank @guiltyparties, @theycallmedan, @doze, @ranchorelaxo, @ocdb, @trafalgar, @resonator, @acidyo, @ackza and everyone else who has helped make the notion of hive empowering individuals in Ghana via promotional initiatives a reality. Stay with us as we prepare to provide an update on the drilling stage tomorrow.


 @mcsamm & @collinz

The Hive Promotional Project In Ghana will be built successfully to offer potable drinking water to the Adudwama town in Ghana's Ashanti region with Hive.

Promo Project : Construction of borehole system
Location : Adudwama-Fawoade (Ghana, Africa)
Sponsor : @valueplan
Project manager : @mcsamm & @collinz


Changing lives with hives.

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