Loving Hive & Marketing Hive Across Borders


Love is a beautiful thing. No one on earth hates the following; air, water, food and love. A person not loved by anyone is more like a dead book. A child that is not loved or catered for; will sooner or later die of depression. We all need love to survive and that's the reason we are interdependent as human. From birth to death we all depend on someone or something one way or the other. Besides this, as you depend on someone there are many lives and generations of individuals yet unborn whose life and destiny is solely dependent on you or tied to your survival. One of the ways their destiny can become a reality is by ensuring that you extend the heart of love and support you've gotten towards them to launch them to the next phase of their life.

The hive blockchain is made in such a way that it fosters love and interactions between its users. It's more like many lives depends on the survival of this blockchain and i know this web3 platform can go a long way to foster peace, unity, tranquility, Cooperation while making the users self sufficient and financially liberated at the longrun.

Twitter, facebook, instagram, reddit and many more have made their landmark based on the level of interaction of its users. Little do the users know that there is a web3 decentralised platform that incentifises your interaction rather than just given someone a mere "like" for nothing. This protocol is doing so great in uniting its users (which are the authors and curators) while making them beneficial to one another for the purpose of building a long-lasting financial ecosystem. Hive is an outstanding blockchain among other web3 decentralised platforms coming up this days. There is possibility of hive taking over facebook and other social media once more individuals are properly educated about the use of the platform.

One beautiful thing about hive is that you're not required to badge a degree or certification before becoming a blogger on Hive and besides blogging to earn rewards, you're able to start building other crypto assets for yourself towards the future on the hive-engine, tribaldex, leodex, leopedia etc. I do wished or imagine i started blogging from the moment hive was forked till now, there's are possibilities i should have gone farther than the reputation i am today.

As you grow on the blockchain your reputation grows as well and you're able of carve your niche which is one of the most important aspect of the blockchain. You become an entrepreneur as you're not working under an authority to get paid. Daily or weekly contests and challenges are carried out by various active communities on hive and these communities are within the #ocd incubation program (some authors do not know this) where authors who are participants are able to engage and participate is such contest and are as well, rewarded after completing their daily or weekly task. Thanks to @ocdb team for their intervention.

There are many things to love ❤ about hive ranging from the people you meet on a daily basis via their quality post contents to building the interactions with them and being a support back to the ecosystem when you're being supported. The advantages weighs much more and it's better to follow the right template to obtain the right result.


Thank you hiveans for your time. Hope you're able to see the more reason "Hive" is a loving community and a platform. Never fail to promote hive to your friends and relatives. Tell a friend to tell another friend and let the chain continue. You can create an animated video lesson about the hive blockchain and share it on other platforms to create more awareness about hive. #Hive marketing should be our business to help many potential investors, the rich, average and the poor out there. Onboarding at least 1 active user perweek can double our total user number on a weekly basis provided all accounts are active on this platform. Lets spread the goodnews and make it reach as much as many individuals on the planet and by so doing, you're liberating someone from financial hardship and creating a long lasting and renumerable niche for them while you're helping to grow the financial ecosystem as well.


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Thank you for your time and do have a awesome moment.


gif credited to @doze


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