Love Look What You Made Me Do

Who has never done something for the person or people he or she loves? Or perhaps because of something they love and cherish dearly, they actually did one or two things for that particular thing.
Well, the truth is that we all have loved either a person or something so dearly that we could do just anything for them or give up just anything for them.
It could be a family member, a friend, a colleague, a business associate, a fellow brethren, a loved one, or even an intimate partner. But whatsoever relationship the person has with us or we have with the person, the truth remains that we love them, and we could go extra mile for these people.

The Things We Do For Love

The funny thing about love is that we can do things we never imagined or things we never would have wanted to do if one takes out the love for the person involved or the thing involved.
Funny as it may be people have done so many weird and crazy things all in the name of love and I mean who hasn't? Well, that person would be such a big liar I guess, or should I rather say I believe so.
No one can play innocence to this very fact. We've all been in that crazy mode that we do just anything for love, and yes though it might feel awkward later on or even at first but these things always do come up and it is very normal and no reason to be ashamed talking about that weird and crazy stuff we did or been doing for love or all in the name of love.


Love! Look What You Made Me Do!

Would it be fair if I go on and on ranting about what love makes us do or how we've been a victim or even slaves to love without mentioning my part? Well, I guess it wouldn't be so fair.
I would say, I've loved and been loved a few times, and when I say this, I mean all round love, all kinds of love one could ever think of.
I've seen love displayed genuinely between family, friends, colleagues, and loved ones. And I have had a fair share of all the love displayed.

Speaking of love, I haven't really had an intimate love for someone but I've had a few casual likes for some people and of course some things.
And doing those periods of love and liking displayed, I've done a few things I wouldn't have done on a normal lol. Keep it down, there aren't such bad things except you are coming from a very narrow and biased background lol, sorry to say that.

  • I Love You!

If you ask me, I still haven't officially said these words to someone intimate lol. Weird right? Well, that's how serious it is or can be. I am aware of words and sentences abuse and misuse and trust me I am one of the least people to abuse or misuse that sentence up there.
I don't say them if I don't mean them and sometimes even if I do mean them, I can't just easily say them or throw them at someone or people, I appreciate those who could feel and read my actions much better than waiting for the words to be said to them cause the truth is it might not really be said or easily escape my lips.
So yes, love made me say the words I LOVE YOU to someone very dear to me and I meant it when I said it.
It doesn't just come, but I've tested and proven the love and I can only say that a genuine and pure kind of love still exists.
I mean the love that doesn't require intimacy or some kind of sexual connection but just a pure kind of love. I've experienced this love and the words were being altered though it felt really weird and awkward but love made me do it anyways.

  • Skipping Classes

This is the bad side of what love can make us do lol. Skipping classes? Well, not really in school but in church, I've skipped Bible classes a few times because of the company of friends and people I cherish. Yes, I know this isn't something to boast of or be proud of but it is still part of the things we do for love or what love makes us do.
Though I usually feel bad later on but it still didn't stop me from doing it anyway, and it wasn't one time nor was it twice, so you see? Love manipulated me into skipping Bible classes a few times just to spend time with the people and friends I most valued.

  • Staying Up All Night

This one is like the most thing I've done for love. I can't really number how many nights I've spent just communicating with loved ones. I used to do this very often and I still do if the chances are up and I don't mind at all. I can go the extra mile of sacrificing my beauty sleep for love and this particular aspect is not just love for a person or people but also love for something.

I once shared my plight with my friends about staying up all night watching K-dramas and even tearing up and soaking my bed in the process till day break lol. This sounds very stupid and weird to them but it happened anyway, and this was because of my love for the movie I was seeing. Normally I love K-dramas and I never minded sacrificing my sleep and period of rest for it. I can stay up all night watching K-dramas even if I have things to do the next morning. This is still what love for something can make one do and it happens to me many times as well.

  • Love makes me write, makes me sing, makes me dance, makes me sketch.
  • Love makes me become or desire to be a better person, work on myself, try to develop myself and some areas of my life
  • Love makes me cry, and feel sympathetic.
  • Love makes me do so many unbelievable things and I can't write all the things I have done for love or what love had made me do.

Things I Can't Do For Love?

  • I can't kill for love
  • I will never molest or pick a fight with a fellow girl or lady because of love
  • I wouldn't steal because of love
  • I will never compromise my principles because of love
  • I won't disown my family for love.

So as not to keep this longer and a little bit boring, I will love to end my epistle on love here and also give you a chance to state the things you have done for love or what love has made you do, and again what you can't do for love or because of love, either way, it goes, just say them, I will love to also know and hear them too.
Now the floor is yours so flow my dear readers.


Still your baby girl ;)

To my faithful readers and wonderful sponsors, my heart goes out to you guys. Thank you for making my journey here a fun-filled and exciting one. Thanks for trusting and supporting my work too. I pray that God blesses you all real good :)

              6 April 2022


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