At My Weakest

I am at a point where nothing really interests me.
Everything seems very tiring and I just wanna zoom out and be left alone.
I am at my weakest moment, with no vibes to do anything. I have been crawling from one position to another with no apparent direction.
My eyes are heavy, my hands are weak, and even my entire body.
I wanna surf the internet but even that too seems boring, I am supposed to listen to spirit-lifting music but I can't even turn the player on as that seems like a disturbance to me too.
How about dancing? I don't even know where to start from.
Reading is not even on my to-do list in the meantime. Everything is just tiring for me as I speak and write this.
My head hurt like crazy too and I feel sick somehow.
I need rest I guess, I think I really have to look after my health but I don't know which part I should start with.


I don't when this phase would pass away as it seems very disheartening to be feeling this way.
I don't know what is really going on if you ask me.
The point is, I can't really tell exactly how I feel or how I can cope with this.
I just want peace of mind and sound health.
My body seems to be failing me at this point and all I could do is just pray for strength that I can't will on my own.
I felt somehow sick last night without knowing the cause of it but today it seems I am stronger than yesterday but not better😥


Do I need a break? Is that what my body really yearns for?
Maybe I am overworking myself and overthinking too.
My mind desires peace and rest but I keep bombarding it every single day, second, minute, and hour of what to do or what ought to be done and how to make things work.
As much as my body needs rest, so does my mind. I think that part of me works more and needs the rest more.
I don't know how I am gonna do that but I am willing to try.
If you have suggestions, please let me have them, I would really appreciate them, thank you!

Still your baby girl ;)

To my faithful readers and wonderful sponsors, my heart goes out to you guys. Thank you for making my journey here a fun-filled and exciting one. Thanks for trusting and supporting my work too. I pray that God bless you all real good :)

            14 March 2022


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